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Universal Power System

Chapter 110 Leon’s Nightmare (Part 1)
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Paul looked at his wife and son, crying and desperately trying to get away from the assailants who were holding them hostage but it was no use. No matter how much they struggled, they couldn't do anything against decently strong ability users.

Elina was unable to break free from the man's grip which felt like iron chains. It was not that Elina wasn't strong. She had a level 5 water ability but with no water in the vicinity, she was completely powerless.

Young Leon had the same fate as his mother as he couldn't break free either. At this point, Leon only had a level 2 speed ability which his father had gifted him a few months back when he turned 14 years old.


Paul was very strict with Leon having an ability. Unlike many rich parents who allowed their children to have the highest legal ability as soon as they were of the minimum age which is 5 years old, Paul had taken a completely different approach.

Paul wanted to make sure that his son would understand the actual value of an ability and how easy it is to misuse it. Leon observed with his own eyes as his rich classmates would bully the other classmates in his class by abusing the power of their stronger abilities.

Nobody could stop them from doing so as they had rich parents backing them up and so the only options left for the targeted students were to either endure it or change schools. Those bullies stayed clear of Leon as they knew the consequences of messing with him even if he was powerless.

Leon admired his father and understood the lessons that father was trying to teach him. Just by observing the situation in his classroom, Leon was able to understand that the world revolved around power and he saw how easy it was to get intoxicated by that feeling of being in control and being all-powerful.

Those who were stronger than others started to create a hierarchy in the classroom and put themselves on the top. They would boss around and oppress those who were weak while keeping clear from some who either also had a strong backing like Leon or were also strong but didn't wish to associate themselves with them.

However, not all students in his class were the same as some had decency and morals instilled into them by their responsible parents. They were also strong and had an ability but they never used them to cause harm to others. Those were the students who stood up against the tyranny of the rich students and were admired and loved by everyone except those whom they opposed.

Leon wanted to be one of those students, someone who would only use their power for good and fight against those who misused their power.

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For his fourteenth birthday, Paul finally called Leon to his office and presented him with six books.

[Speed Ability (Level 2)]

[Strength Ability (Level 2)]

[Wind Ability (Level 2)]

[Lightning Ability (Level 2)]

[Earth Ability (Level 2)]

[Fire Ability (Level 2)]

Leon was finally old enough that he would be forced to take dueling classes at school where they taught them the basics of how to fight. Paul felt it was high time Leon got his first ability so that he could compete against all the other students during the duels.

Paul had given Leon a big lecture about the responsibility that comes with having abilities and in the end, left Leon to decide which ability he wanted to learn.

Leon pondered over which ability book to choose for quite some time but in the end, decided to follow in his father's footsteps. Paul's first ability was also the speed ability and so Leon also picked the level 2 speed ability.

He broke the silver crystal that was embedded into the cover of the book and watched as the milky white and silvery aura enter his body. He could feel his muscles getting tighter and his bones becoming stronger. Leon was now an ability user as well.

Paul was proud of his son's decision and started teaching everything he knew about speed ability. Leon was one to never complain to his father but during one of the training sessions he let a comment slip past his tongue.

"Having a level 2 ability is great but I still won't be able to compete against those who have a level 3 ability," Leon said.

Leon instantly realized what he has just done. He thought his father would be furious with him for showing ungratefulness, but when he turned to look at his father all he could see was a gentle smile.

"It is okay if you think that way but I have to say that you are wrong, my son," Paul replied.

Leon was confused as to what did his father mean by saying that he was wrong. It was a well-known fact that a person with a lower ability level would never be able to defeat a person with a higher ability level.

"It may be true that Level 3s are stronger than Level 2s, but that is only when they are equally skilled," Paul said.

"However, it is not the case when a highly skilled level 2 ability user was to face a poorly skilled level 3 ability user. No matter how strong a person is, they will lose if they rely only on their power and don't develop any skill or fighting style." Paul explained further.

"Always remember this, Leon. No matter how strong your opponent might be if you can outsmart them with your clever thinking and great skill, you will always be victorious." Paul said as he patted Leon's head.


Seeing that his father was in danger, Leon quickly composed himself and tried to think of a way to escape from his current predicament. He understood that he needed to create an opening so that his father would be able to fight back.

Looking around Leon noticed that they were standing over sand and an idea quickly hatched in his mind. The assailant had held him by his torso and arms but not his legs.

Leon quickly started rubbing his feet against the soft sandy ground as fast as he could and kicked up a lot of sand in the air. Before the man holding Leon could realize it, Leon had created a huge dust cloud using his quick feet and temporarily blinding everyone.

Paul understood Leon's actions as he smiled internally as he was really proud of his son for making a quick decision. Still powerless, Paul decided that the best option for him is to buy more time for his body to recover. Using the dust cloud as cover, Paul quickly manoeuvred around the assailants and started running as far away as he could and buying as much time as possible.

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The dust cloud wasn't really a setback for the assailants, more like an annoyance. One of them quickly got rid of it using his Wind ability and they noticed that Paul was nowhere to be seen.

Leon was expecting his father to take charge once again and fight the bad guys, but what he saw as the dust cloud disappeared broke his heart in two. He could see his father running away leaving him and his mother alone in the hands of the enemy.

He couldn't believe it! How could his father abandon him like that? The man he admired so much was running away in the face of danger?!

The assailants were pretty mad at Leon for pulling that little stunt and a simple punch straight on his face had completely wrecked his face and knocked him out cold.

As Leon became unconscious, he could hear his mother's desperate cries as she tried to make the assailants stop hurting her son.


The next time Leon woke, he was back in his room with bandages all over his face. He couldn't remember anything that had happened and was confused as to how he even got here in the first place.

The butler was doing his regular checkup on the young master when he saw that he was finally awake. He quickly informed his master about this as he was instructed to and within seconds, Paul had rushed over to Leon's room.

After taking a couple of deep breaths, and bracing himself for the difficult conversation that was about to ensue, Paul entered Leon's room.

Leon looked at his father entering the room and usually, he would feel respectful toward him but not this time. He didn't know what it was, but something within his body was compelling him to have no respect for the man standing in front of him.

As Paul approached Leon and sat beside him on his bed, Leon started having hazy visions of him and his mother. Terrified by what he could make out of his visions, Leon realized that his mother might be in trouble.

"Father, I think mother is in danger," Leon said as soon as Paul sat beside him.

Shocked by Leon's first comment, Paul gulped down before asking Leon what he meant by those words," Leon, what makes you think that you're mother is in trouble?"

Leon scratched his head as his memory was still quite foggy but he could clearly see his mother crying in his vision.

"I don't know. I have been getting these strange visions from the time I woke up, I can't understand why but I really think mother is in danger, where is she?" Leon asked while holding his head.

"Leon... Your mother is dead." Paul said very slowly as he placed his hand on his son's shoulder.