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Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 300 - Devilfish Stomach Labyrinth (I)
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Falling to the mouth of the Ice Devilfish is very unexpected and dangerous, however, we didn't get chewed and we are swallowed whole so we still have a chance. Using my quick reflexes, I quickly maneuver to slow down my descent. The others also did the same and although they were surprised by the act of the Devilfish, they didn't panic, allowing them to do a rational decision.


We didn't land in the solid ground but a greenish liquid. Since we are swallowed, this must be its digestive juices.

"Is everyone injured?" I asked everyone.

"Just a graze but not major enough," Tina said.

Lina didn't wait for me to take action and healed her using her own [Heal]. As expected of an attentive maid.

"So this must be the stomach area of the Ice Devilfish huh? Are we going to die soon?" Lucia looked around for any way to go out of its stomach.

"We should look for a safe place at the moment. We might be swallowed but this is also an opportunity to finish off the Ice Devilfish without trouble now that we are inside of its body. Its organs will surely be somewhere around the place and we just needed to locate it before it starts to do its digestion," I explained.

"Then, we should start looking inside the stomach. Just staying here without doing anything while the digestive juices of the boss are currently threatening to digest us in one go are on our feet. We cannot dilly-dally at all."

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I glance at Lucia and Cotton and I suddenly got an idea.

"Lucia, can you ask Cotton if she can make us a protective web that we can use while traversing the place with the digestive juices threatening us, we can make use of it right now."

"Oh, let me ask, Master."

Lucia tried to talk to Cotton but it seems like Cotton is having trouble understanding what was Lucia was trying to say since she said some foreign words that were perhaps new to the ears of Cotton.

"It seems you have difficulty, Ms. Lucia. Let me try, maybe I can convey what you are trying to say," Tina volunteered and she started speaking an unknown language that even I don't recognize at all.

In just a matter of seconds, Cotton respond with a cute nod before she started to spin her webs that looks like shoes. It was quick and didn't take too long before it was formed.

"It looks like Cotton and Princess Tina really understand each other without any problem!" Lina was delighted.

"How did you do that?" Lucia was also amazed seeing how she easily managed to let Cotton do what she wanted to convey to her.

"I used the ancient insect language we learned when we are kids. It was mandatory for us Insect People to learn it. However, we rarely use it since it was used to converse to the Ancient Deities and local gods of the Insect Kingdom."

My eyebrow creased hearing what Tina said but since we are scarce in time, I didn't press on the topic for now and wear the web boots that Cotton made. We had plenty of time to ask for this but now is not the time.

Thankfully, Lucia and Lina didn't pursue the topic too so we decided to move now. Anytime soon and the digestion might begin and we would be in big trouble if that actually happens. We need to find a good way to see where we are right now.

I pull out a small piece of paper from my bag and a small pencil I personally made for an easy drawing for my Scribe Ex-job. I had a good job as a cartographer in dungeons in the past timeline so even if I don't have the Cartographer Ex-job right now, the skills I mastered in the past timeline is already imprinted in my mind that it is not necessary for me to get the Ex-job to make a layout of where we are and map it out. Besides, there isn't much of a benefit to getting the cartographer Ex-job unless you want to be a professional in creating maps and mapping areas. A simple mapping is enough. This way, we won't get lost inside the labyrinth innards of the Ice Devilfish.


I expected the intestines of the Ice Devilfish to be more like a fleshy mess similar to the mass of flesh we fought during the Ascension trials. However, contrary to my expectation, it was not like a mass of flesh but more like a normal brick wall. It was absurd. The hallway of flesh in the Ascension Trials looks more like the intestine of the Devilfish compared to this place. The only difference between this place and a normal labyrinth is that we are stepping on a disgusting liquid.

We continue moving around and even though it was an intestine, it looks like a real labyrinth indeed due to how it was designed. There were trick walls and even some dead ends. An intestine shouldn't have this kind of labyrinth pattern at all.

"Master, are we lost somehow?" Lina asked.

"No. Although we looked like we are circling around, we are not. Don't worry and trust my mapping skills," I assured her.

Indeed we looked like we are lost due to how we are just circling around, however, it is not really the case, the f*cking intestine of the Ice Devilfish has this confusing intestine. Where the heck does the p**p of this bastard go? Just circling around here and there like a rollercoaster or something similar? The f*ck?

After a few seconds of circling around, we managed to escape the confusing corridor of an intestine. I sighed in relief after we escaped it. It was so annoying as hell.

We continue to walk when we some sort of big hall at the very end of where we are. It was like some sort of a big room in a labyrinth, similar to the very center of some labyrinths. Based on the map I already made, the place where we are right now should be the large intestine already. However, I can't be too sure especially since this place is not similar to the human body's digestive system.

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Whatever the case, we have to inspect and check where we are right now.

"This looks like a secret room in a dungeon, Master. Perhaps the intestine of the Ice Devilfish has this kind of mechanism?" Luna tilts her head.

"Hmm, that should be plausible right? We just came from a very long hallway, it would make sense if we found a secret room indeed.

"What kind of intestine is that, Lina-chan, Princess Tina!? Even I wouldn't imagine an intestine like this unless they are man-made and they have a function of a dungeon or labyrinth in their body that is being disguised as a digestive system! The digestion won't properly function well if the digestive tract of something looks like this! Are you guys sure we are still talking about the intestine layout anymore?!" Lucia complained.

My eyes shined as I glance at Lucia. Finally! Someone has a much more rational mind here other than me!

Anyways, this place is devoid of digestive liquid. The way we came from has the digestive liquids flowing but when we reach the wide hallway, there aren't any traces. It is pretty dry too and the floor looks like it was made from... stone?! What the hell? Am I hallucinating that we fell from the mouth of the Ice Devilfish but in reality, we fell in a trap labyrinth? Wait, that doesn't really look like the case at all.

Half of the area is lit up even though there aren't any sources of light of some sort while the half is currently very dark and would make much more sense. However, it's not only the darkness that seems to make that place peculiar but also the coldness coming from that area.

I pulled out my Versatile Weapon and transform it into a Magic Sword before igniting it into flames. Then I slowly navigate the area with care. The moment I step into the darkness, the coldness of ice permeates the surroundings. I am pretty perceptive with it and I can clearly feel it despite wearing thick armor and clothes underneath. It was much colder compared to the coldness I felt when we are still in the cavern where we fought the Ice Devilfish.

Still, the flames on the Magic Sword aren't enough to light up the surroundings. I can barely make out what is currently in the surroundings.

"Master, are you sure you need to press on? It's pretty dark and even with your flaming sword, it seems it's not even showing enough of the surroundings. It was like the light coming from the flaming sword is being swallowed," Lucia is worried.

I didn't respond not because I didn't hear what Lucia said but because I noticed a presence in the dark. I ready my sword and entered into a combat stance.

"Everyone ready. Someone is currently beyond this darkness! All hands, at arms!"