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Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 91 Acquiring Rewards
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[System has been revived]

[Ares System updating…]


[Claim Your Reward Here]

[Claim Your Reward Here]


Unsurprisingly, the system didn't fail to prove me wrong just as I began to talk about it, and the panels that appeared before me were satisfying to look at.

I worked damn hard for this, and if the gods just took that away, then I would go on a riot… I guess.

As soon as I clicked on the panels, my two rewards appeared in my hands.

The expected leather skill book that would grant me the technique as a skill and my… sniper rifle? Was this my sniper rifle?

It didn't look anything like how it was towards the end of the war and even when I received the reward, causing a gold liquid to flow through it.

To easily put it, it looked more modern and was still a suppressed sniper, a bit different from the old and more wooden-looking sniper I used.

As soon as I put down the skill book to inspect the sniper further, I held it in my hands as if I was about to shoot the wall.

I took in a careless breath that was able to stop the swaying of the barrel, and just as I placed my finger on the trigger…

"Pew… And that's how it would go… This is pretty cool," I muttered as it was slick and black, nothing that stood out at all.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Then… let's also use this.

I quickly took the skill book that I had placed on the floor and then began to read it… while on the toilet.

I mean, standing up and reading was pretty uncomfortable, and the skill book was long as fuck, so I wasn't trying to cramp up halfway through.

After about an hour, I had finally finished reading the entire thing, and when I opened my status, I was satisfied with what I saw.


[Name: Orion]

[Race: Human]

[Class: War Spearsman]

[Level: 2/35] (120/200) XP Needed

[HP: 50/50 MP: 25/25 SP: 35/35] - Normal Human

[Strength: 34] - Normal Human

[Defense: 25] - Normal Human

[Magic: 25] - Normal Human

[Speed: 33] - Normal Human

[Skills: [Tangible Bloodlust] [Spear Coating] [Berserk Coating] [Cloak of Blood] [Empower] [Scout]

[Passive Skills: [Toxic Immunity] [Toxic Body] [Night Vision] [Breath of the Snowy Underworld]

[Equipment: [Magic Ring] [Paralysis Barrier Ring]

"Oh, it's a passive skill?" I muttered, a bit surprised as I thought it would be something I would have to activate.

Though, I didn't notice any immediate changes to my breathing pattern, which could either mean two things.

The breath was already so natural that I couldn't tell the difference, or when I did the actual breath, the skill would activate.

But the ladder would just make the point of it being a skill completely useless, so I doubt it would be that.


I took in a great breath filtered through my teeth and molded by my tongue, causing my heart rate to slow drastically.

I could feel the blood in my body slow itself down as I gripped the sniper so hard that you could audibly hear it creak as soon as my fingers began to fold.

"Good. It was the former," I muttered before leaving the stall with a sniper and book in hand.

My friends that I was hanging out with looked at me like I was crazy, but I just gave Cy a thumbs up as I walked back to the booth.

"Dude… What demons were you fighting in there? Did a demon crawl out of your ass, and you had to fight it with a sniper?" Cy asked, and everybody else chuckled beside me.

"Yes, I did," I responded, and everybody suddenly went silent.

"You weren't supposed to answer that…."

"I'm fully aware…."

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Soon, we left the restaurant as we still had a curfew, and if we weren't back in about fifteen minutes, our punishment was going to be something severe.

They didn't exactly tell us what it would be, but judging from their tone, it was obvious the punishment would be something we wouldn't like.


We ran for our life, and we arrived back at the hotel just in time, and as we all checked into the teachers, we walked to our designated room.

Unsurprisingly, the room was pretty big and fancy as our school itself had made the arrangements.

"I'll be showering first," I said, and the other two boys had no complaints, so I immediately stripped.

"Hey! Don't use all the soap in there! I didn't bring shit!" Cy shouted into the bathroom.

"Yes, sir," I replied before hopping into the warm shower, an unfamiliar sensation that I thought I would never be able to experience again.

The unfamiliar sensation led to some more restlessness, I just about managed to slap myself in the face.

I was back in this life, and adjusting was so hard that I felt like I was about to have a panic attack when the water hit me.

Everything I experienced felt so real and almost felt like it was my real life, and this life I'm currently experiencing is just a dream.

It's different from my first life, where I died and was reborn.

At that time, accepting reality was easier because death was something common… not traveling back in time to end some war.

As I leaned against the tiled wall, I calmed my breathing with the breathing technique I had learned from Simo… and suddenly remembered a key piece of information.

"Aisa, you lucky bastard. Having such a cool ancestor and not even telling me… Wait, but he ended up dying earlier than before… That means he wouldn't have had a chance to have kids, thus not creating the side of his Hahya bloodline. Well, there is also the possibility he had a kid at that time, but I doubt it… Ughhhhh… Shit. What have I done,"

(Somewhere in Amlas)

"ACHOOO! Damn… That was a good sneeze. Got a lot of the mucus out," I muttered, and Findir stared at me with a horrified expression.

"Aisa, you animal… Don't sneeze into your hand! THAT'S FUCKING GROSS!" Findir shouted, and as he chased me around the room with a napkin, I sneezed again.

Somebody must be talking about me…