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Whispers Of Betrayal (Anastasia and Alastor)

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60

Anastasia left the hospital and went to Zeke’s residence.

Before Zeke married Meredith, Anastasia lived in a small old house in the resettlement area. Later,

Zeke, who had been missing for a long time, returned and wanted to marry Meredith. They rented a

decent three-bedroom house outside, which they claimed to give Anastasia a home.

At that time, she was still looking forward to living in the new house, even though she knew it was


Unfortunately, Meredith and Sienna entered the house not long after Anastasia got her own place. On

that day, Sienna pointed to Anastasia’s room and said that she liked this room.

The room Anastasia chose was the farthest and quietest from the main bedroom because she liked to

stay alone.

However, Sienna wanted to take it away. In order to give Meredith a good impression, Zeke gave

Anastasia’s room to Sienna without her consent.

When Anastasia returned from school, her things in the room had been replaced by Sienna’s.

Furthermore, even her things were taken by Sienna.

“She’s your younger sister. You have to let her have it.” This was what Zeke said most.

“Younger? But she was only one year younger than me,” she recalled herself thinking.

After that, Anastasia’s biggest wish was to have a place she could call home.

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She wanted to have her own home that would not be taken away.

But now.

her home was still taken away.

It was just a change from Sienna to Felicia; she would always be the loser.

During the summer vacation, when Anastasia graduated from high school, she worked three jobs

alone. She would work until two to three o’clock at night and get up after six in the morning until she

had saved enough for her tuition fees. When Anastasia went to university, the first thing she did after

she got a scholarship was to rent a small house near her university.

She was yearned to have a place of her own.

That was the sense of security she could give herself.

Since then, Anastasia had basically stopped coming back to Zeke’s so-called home,

But even if she hid away from them, Meredith and Zeke didn’t let her


They still found an excuse to trick her into returning and let Meredith’s brother, Harold Carter, hurt her

at home without any inhibitions.

“Hah… This is my father. Damn it,” she cursed inwardly.

After marrying Alastor, Zeke asked Alastor for money to buy this three-bedroom house because the

landlord didn’t want Zeke to keep renting anymore.

Anastasia let Zeke put the house under his and Meredith’s names.

Meredith was overjoyed. The woman thought the house was marital property and could get her hands

on it.

Unfortunately, it was all Meredith’s wishful thinking.

Anastasia endured all of these for years just to deal them the final blow.

She had prepared everything early.

When she bought the house for Zeke, she had asked Zeke and Alastor to sign a joint-name housing


“This and this. Throw everything that should be thrown away. At the door, wearing a facial mask,

Meredith was leisurely ordering the janitor to clean up and throw away Zeke’s things.

She probably felt that now Zeke had been paralyzed and could not speak, everything would be hers if

she proposed a divorce and waited after the cooling-off period.

“Why are you back? You’re not welcome here.” Outside the door, Sienna clutched her waist and looked

at Anastasia. “Tin telling you, my mother has been with your father for so many years. Now she is

divorced, this house belongs to my mother. After all, my mother has taken care of him for so long.

She’s entitled to it

Anastasia looked at Sienna and Meredith quietly. She never thought people could be so shameless.

“Anastasia, don’t blame us for being cruel. Everyone in the village knows what kind of man your father

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is. I’ve suffered all these years with him. Everyone knows about how he did domestic violence to me.

I’m doing him a favor by not suing hím

Meredith snorted and didn’t let Anastasia in.

“Oh, domestic violence?” Anastasia smiled.

Anastasia then pushed Sienna away, went straight into the living room, and sat on the couch. “When

my mom was together with him, Zeke often did domestic violence to her because she was meek and

didn’t dare to resist. I thought domestic violence was in his blood because, as they say, once a wife-

beater, always a wife-beater. When you married him, I once worried for you.”

Meredith looked at Anastasia. “Look, you know what kind of person your father is. I hope we can part

ways on good terms.”

“But ever since he married you, he was so afraid of you that he didn’t dare to breathe in your presence.

Forget about domestic violence. You beat him more often than the times he sneaked out and gambled.”

Anastasia smiled and looked at Meredith. “Actually, I learned a lot from you.”

After all, people would look down upon those weaker than themselves.

The weaker one was, the more others would bully the other person.

The more one was like Meredith, someone shameless and belligerent, the more people would fear her.

“Cut the crap and leave my house,” Sienna ordered Anastasia to leave. “I’m telling you, I told Alastor all

the disgusting things you did before. He will definitely divorce you. He knows about all the times you

have been ambiguous with all those men!”

Anastasia leaned against the couch and looked at Sienna with an unfathomable gaze. She knew what

Sienna had said to Alastor.