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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1151 - Assemble
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Chapter 1151: Assemble

War had begun.

The Combatants who surrendered themselves to [Chaos] had entered the Mystic Zones and surrounded the Bramble Bird Kingdom creating multiple encirclements.

They were conducting probing attacks.

“Bahahaha, so the legendary Iron Fist Barry was only at this level after all!”

Someone maniacally laughed.

700-800 carriers of [Chaos] chased after Iron Fist Barry and occasionally unleashed colorful beams of attacks.

Barry fought while keeping his distance and occasionally found a chance to deal with the most arrogant of his enemies.

Whenever that happened, numerous attacks would soon follow and send him flying.

He appeared to be struggling, or perhaps even near-death.

This couldn’t be helped, there were simply too many people who surrendered themselves to [Chaos] within the infinite worlds, compared to that, the Bramble Bird Kingdom’s personnel were much more limited.

Finally, they had fully completed their encirclement around Barry.

Thousands of carriers of [Chaos] had surrounded Barry from all sides, ensuring that he had nowhere to retreat.

At this point, the carriers of [Chaos] were in no hurry to finish him off, instead choosing to attack Barry in single waves making sure not to face him alone.

——after all, the name Iron Fist Barry wasn’t just for show, any single person among them facing Barry would only ensure that they end up dead.

This was the wild dog strategy, designed to chip away at Barry’s strength bit by bit while ensuring he couldn’t escape.

A powerful carrier of [Chaos] flew out from their ranks, the commander of this operation, and observed Barry from above: “Tsk tsk, pitiful Iron Fist, your era had already passed——- however, in consideration of how much you were respected in the past, you may now state your final words”

Barry spat out a bit of blood, held back the carriers of [Chaos] with one hand while taking a walkie-talkie looking item with the other hand, casually speaking into it: “Fei Li, I’ve drawn enough firepower”

Ye Fei Li’s voice emerged from inside:

[Nicely done. Sure enough, my mob aggro & grind strategy is still the best]

As soon as he said that.

A cold, thin ray of light flashed briefly through the void of space.

This cold ray of light struck a certain carrier of [Chaos]

He was fine.

He paused a bit, but after he found that nothing happened, he couldn’t help but mock: “Did you really expect such an attack to do anything to this great one?”

Before he could finish his words, the commander from before suddenly changed his expression and shouted: “Oh no, retreat!”

———it was already too late!

Another cold ray of light flashed through the void of space and struck another carrier of [Chaos].

Followed by a barrage of countless rays of light similar to the one prior, all of which were shot from the direction of the Bramble Bird Kingdom, completely enveloping this area of several thousand carriers of [Chaos].

Infallible Magic Death Ray.

This was an attack that had a certain chance to immediately kill the enemy.

If it was performed by a powerful Shadow Wizard, the chance of inflicting instant-death would increase following the caster’s level of strength.

On the other hand, when it was performed through magic tools, the chance to inflict instant-death would be extremely low.

But that didn’t matter.

The Bramble Bird Kingdom was currently using a total of three million Infallible Magic Death Ray machines at once to completely cover this entire area without any breaks in-between.

This way, no matter how low the chance of instant-death was, the sheer number of attacks would make sure that nobody was leaving this place alive.

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Soon enough, all the carriers of [Chaos] here turned into floating corpses.

Only Barry remained standing.

He was completely fine.


While he was still in a fighting state, he wouldn’t die.

“A bunch of idiots, remember to bring your brains with you next time” Barry coldly said.

He glanced towards the faraway space; a bit of worry could be seen within his cold gaze.

Tens of hundreds of thousands of carriers of [Chaos] were stationed at the faraway space, where they had built a temporary fort.

They didn’t try to initiate any attacks and simply maintained a defensive posture.

Carriers of [Chaos] who had spatial abilities were joining their efforts to create a gigantic warp gate.

The Soul Shrieker, God of Life, and the Demon Dragon were traveling back through time and would soon return to the present.


The Bramble Bird Kingdom.

The royal palace.

“Report—— your majesty, enemies are arriving from all corners of the 900 million World Layers, there are too many of them. We cannot forcefully break through to destroy their gigantic warp gate!”

Hearing that, Laura couldn’t help but feel worried.

Although the Bramble Bird Kingdom was the richest and most prosperous country of the 900 million World Layers, the Era of [Chaos] had already taken over the majority of the 900 million World Layers.

Billions of worlds, countless Combatants.

Even the Bramble Bird Kingdom couldn’t hold off such an enemy for too long.

“There’s no other way” Laura clapped her hands, “Ilya, take all super-distance weapons we have from the vault and distribute them to our men”


“Furthermore, set up a group to prepare our single-use artifacts, when we can’t hold out any longer, we’ll be throwing all of them away at once!”


“I’ll contact the Great Bramble Tree as well, telling it to be prepared for any situations”

At this point, the main gate of the palace was pushed open and Barry walked in while covered in blood.

“——-wait, we can’t keep going like this”

Barry said.

“How was it? Uncle Barry?” Laura asked.

Barry casually replied: “There are too many enemies. I’m not afraid to die, nor can I actually die, but this type of ongoing fighting is meaningless. Earlier, each time I charged forward I would feel every inch of my body being destroyed countless times, then sent flying”

Barry had fought numerous wars in countless worlds, so he was a highly experienced fighter.

If even he felt this way, who else would be willing to fight?

Not only that, the Soul Shrieker had undergone apotheosis, as well as the support of the God of Life and Demon Dragon; they were quite literally impossible to defeat with the power of the 900 million World Layers alone.

Barry hesitated for a bit, then continued: “Unless you have an artifact that had surpassed the regular meaning of the word, capable of overturning the entire war by itself———- like that Divine Artifact of the pixies”

Laura sighed and regretfully said: “Unfortunately, the majority of artifacts I’ve seen are still within the realm of the 900 million World Layers. I’ve not seen many artifacts that surpass this limit, so there’s very little chance for me to grab them from the void”

Everyone remained silent.

——-Laura must witness and examine artifacts of a certain level before she could grab artifacts of the same level.

Furthermore, the more of them she’d seen, the higher chances she had to grab them.

Regretfully, there weren’t many artifacts within the 900 million World Layers that were at the same level as the pixies’ powerful Divine Artifact.

Even if there were, they weren’t easy to come across.

Thinking about it briefly, Boss took out the black trident and showed it to Laura: “Try and touch this”

Laura sighed and told him: “It is only one good weapon. Clasping at Buddha’s feet only when danger arises like this is quite meaningless, it wouldn’t increase our chances by much”

While saying that, she still picked the black trident up and examined it.

“This thing had killed so many things indiscriminately, I feel kind of nauseating just touching it” Laura said in disgust.

A few moments later.

“Alright, we’ve examined it, does anyone have any artifacts?”

Laura glanced at everyone. historical

Barry looked to Kitty, Kitty looked to Ye Fei Li, Ye Fei Li looked to Zhang Ying Hao, Zhang Ying Hao looked down at his light-weight assault rifle, shook his head, and turned back to Barry.

Barry shrugged: “My only pair of gauntlets was something your majesty gave me, so I have nothing better. As for my brothers and sisters in arms that are still fighting outside, while each of them has a bit of wealth from managing a few hundred World Layers by themselves, none of them have ever seen any artifacts that surpass the limit of the 900 million World Layers”

He turned to ‘Gu Qing Shan’.

‘Gu Qing Shan’ told her very seriously: “Laura, you’ve already examined me, I don’t have anything else for you to touch”

Everyone: “...”

How come that sounds a bit wrong?

Anna frowned but didn’t say anything.

The person standing there wasn’t the real Gu Qing Shan, but rather this sword spirit——– Shannu.

A pure and innocent sword spirit.

That was why Anna just ignored that without trying to nitpick her words.

Everyone became silent again.

Anna waved her hand.

A long-handled scythe that exuded dark flames appeared in her hand.

“Try and touch this”

She gave it to Laura.

Laura’s eyes lit up and asked: “Whoa, this weapon is so stylish, what is it?”

“The Scythe of Death. It came from the Inner Plane, a Divine Armament from the Pantheon, the only one of its kind” Anna explained.

Laura excitedly took the scythe and carefully examined it.

Boss stood on one side, hugging his black trident, and glanced at her: “Oi, that’s the weapon of Death, it killed a lot of people as well”

Laura looked at Anna.

“Don’t worry” Anna curtly replied: “This weapon only kill souls, and souls are usually pure”

“Awesome!” Laura praised.

Boss opened his eyes wide.

After Laura examined the Scythe of Death for a while, she reached her hand into the void of space and swiped.

Everyone looked at her anxiously.

Laura struggled to pull her hand back.


A set of heavy armor fell to the ground.


Everyone sighed in disappointment.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Hey, did you really expect me to pull a powerful weapon right from the start?” Laura asked in displeasure.

After that, she reached her hand into the void of space again and swiped with some force.

Zi zi zi——-

A burning bomb appeared in her hand.

“A Space Mine!”

She screamed in a high-pitched voice and threw the bomb back into the void.

The void shook intensely.

——-Space Mines were the most notorious technological living weapons, known to destroy everything within the range of 10 miles at a single touch.

Everyone was still fearful from that.

“Stop! We can’t keep randomly grabbing things like this. Find me a certain item first, I want to prepare a contingency plan”

Kitty called out.

Laura stopped and asked: “Big sis Kitty, what kind of item do you want?”

“I need an artifact that can make me larger”

“How large?”

“Around the size of a world”

Laura pondered: “I have a few artifacts like that, but they all have a certain level of side effects”

Kitty replied: “Then something that can shrink works as well—– an artifact that can shrink a world down to the size of a table”

Laura said: “I have something like that”

She opened her backpack, searched through it, and took out a small dice.

This was an 8-sided dice with a number [1] on every face.

Laura gave Kitty the dice and explained: “If you want to shrink anything down to the size of your palm, just put this dice on that it——- it will even work on a world”

“Are you sure it’ll work?”

“It’ll definitely work. In the past, I shrank Triste’s collection world down to the size of an orb and hid it inside a cake”

Kitty received the dice and glanced at Barry.

Barry nodded, seemingly a lot more relaxed now.

“Alright, we have a contingency plan now, try again” Kitty said.

Ye Fei Li handed Laura a canned drink.

Laura drank everything at once and loudly said: “God please, grant this empress a good artifact that can change the tide of this war!”

Under everyone’s scrutinizing eyes, she reached her hand into the void of space again.


At another location.

A ship was hurriedly flying through the space vortex towards the Bramble Bird Kingdom.

This was the Bramble Bird Kingdom’s fastest ship!

——-in truth, Impartial Goddess’s ship had incorporated super-distance warp technology into it, so it was faster, but Impartial Goddess had taken Su Xue Er to the Starlight war base already.

On the ship.

No one was here.

Only a single orange cat sitting on the pilot seat with its eyes half-closed.

At some point, the orange cat opened his eyes and looked at the screen.

His tail lifted.


I’ll be there soon.