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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 870 - One Statement, One Truth
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Chapter 870: One Statement, One Truth

The Grand Divine Palace abruptly fell silent.

The figure of light brought the Strength God and the other Divinities into the space vortex created by the jade disk, looking for the secret of the final moment of humanity among countless phantom images.

The only people left in the audience hall were Gu Qing Shan, Shannu and Luo Bing Li.

If there was anything to say, this was the most suitable chance for it.

Luo Bing Li avoided Gu Qing Shan’s gaze and replied: “What could you actually do if you knew my identity?”

Gu Qing Shan stared straight at her and spoke without back down: “If I make a wrong strategic decision from the lack of information, then someone would definitely lose their life, be it mine or yours”

Luo Bing Li replied with a lonely tone: “It’s useless to inform you because you haven’t found the method to enter the true final moment”

“Is that really important?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Luo Bing Li glared at him and spoke with fluctuating emotions in her voice: “Of course it is! If you hadn’t come here, I wouldn’t have fallen into the control of others!”

Gu Qing Shan just looked straight at her without saying anything.

He paused for several seconds before musing: “You said that you became restrained because I came”

He paused.

After a few more seconds, he continued: “I’m 100% certain that I did not affect you in any way”

“And yet you’ve already fallen into the control of others”

“The only factor that changed your state of existence was me, but I didn’t do anything, and I didn’t meet you face-to-face many times either”

He scowled as countless thoughts went through his mind.

Luo Bing Li scoffed and spoke: “Keep guessing if you can really arrive at the truth by a single statement, I won’t mind telling you my identity”

Gu Qing Shan didn’t seem to hear that.

He muttered in a low voice: “It can’t be me who’s in control of you, so you must be in the control of something else”

“But that can’t be correct either, because you are clearly here without any issues. But it was due to my arrival into the phantom images that caused you to fall into the control of another entity”

“There could only be two situations where that is true: either my arrival triggered something, or I brought something with me that caused you to be restrained”

He kept mumbling on and on like he was possessed.

“Because you hold humanity’s hidden path in your hands, if something wanted to find the Heaven sword through you, it could have directly captured you and followed the path left behind by humanity to eventually reach the Heaven sword, there would be no need for it to wait for me to arrive”

“Not to mention, although that Abyssal weapon only existed for a brief moment before it was broken apart again, the power of the weapon was already fully unleashed by the Immortal King and created the infinite phantom images, while hiding the true final moment away at the same time. If such power could be easily resolved, it would have been resolved long ago”

“Which means the first situation can be dismissed for now”

“Then it would be the second situation: I brought something with me when I arrived here”

Gu Qing Shan once again fell into thought.

He had completely immersed himself in his thoughts, completely ignoring anything that happened around him.

Luo Bing Li kept her mouth shut without saying a word.

After a long while.

When Luo Bing Li appeared disappointed, Gu Qing Shan abruptly spoke up again:

“Something must have come with me from the future, which caused you to be restrained”

“Then what exactly came with me?”

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Gu Qing Shan’s eyes became sharp.

The dark figure of light.

The one who cast the [Space-Time Infiltration] technique was him.

And only he could completely obscure himself so that I can’t notice him while inside the technique.

With that doubt in mind, a scene at the time replayed in Gu Qing Shan’s mind.

During my second time traveling through Time, I was eaten by a monster in the Space-Time fog.

When I still didn’t understand anything, the dark figure of light explained: 「 A Space-time Fog monster, you can think of it as a God of your Divinities, it ate you 」

And another time.

When I was killed by the Golden Dragon’s spirit.


“Did I die?” I asked.

「 Correct, you have 794 chances left 」the dark figure of light replied.

“That can’t be right! There wasn’t anything around me just now, that dragon was still so far away in the sky, how did I die?”

「 You still don’t get it? 」

“I don’t”

「 The dragon looked at you, so you died 」



It could see anything that I went through!

And it was currently restraining Luo Bing Li!

Gu Qing Shan did not believe for even a second that the dark figure of light would be able to restrain Luo Bing Li from several ten thousand years in the future.

If he could do that, any resistance I mount right now would be meaningless.

In other words...

The dark figure of light had actually been traveling with me this entire time.

He also came to this era!

Besides this reason, there was no other way to explain how Luo Bing Li fell into the control of another entity!

Gu Qing Shan’s heart sank.

“The dark figure of light, the one restraining you must be him. And the figure of light that represented the collective consciousness of the Divinities was also him, wasn’t he?”

He sighed.

Luo Bing Li looked at Gu Qing Shan in shock.

Just how does this person’s mind work? He actually arrived at the correct answer by a single statement I made!

Gu Qing Shan forced himself to remain calm, completely putting Luo Bing Li’s matter out of his mind as he thought of a way to resolve this situation.

The dark figure of light has the ability to read the mind of others.

Which means, he knows everything I’ve been planning up to this point.

Even if I die, I would only return to where he is.

Everything has been under his control this entire time!

Damn it!

How could this have happened!!!?

Gu Qing Shan struggled to maintain his calm and slowly questioned himself bit by bit.

What else does the dark figure of light doesn’t know about me?

This is the only hope.


What doesn’t it already know?

All of a sudden, a voice called out:

「 As humanity’s final seeker of the sword, I really must say: you are very impressive, unfortunately, you are too weak 」

At some unknown point, the figure of light had returned to the Grand Divine Palace.

The shimmering white light around its body slowly turned dark and ended as glowing black light.

The dark figure of light.

It really was him.

From start to end, everything had been a part of his meticulous plan!


Shannu hurriedly jumped in front of Gu Qing Shan and shouted in horror.

Gu Qing Shan shook his head and signaled Shannu not to act carelessly.

Gu Qing Shan sighed emotionally: “Just now, the real reason you left was to give me a chance to go into the dream, wasn’t it?”

The dark figure of light replied: 「 What do you think? 」

“You can read a person’s emotions and thoughts, so you’ve always known what I was planning from the start” Gu Qing Shan commented.

「 Correct. What good does it do now for you to keep your thoughts blank? It’s already too late 」the dark figure of light casually replied.

He landed from above and spoke regretfully: 「 I originally planned to only show up after you’ve already entered the last moment of humanity and were about to take the sword, that way everything would be without any loopholes 」

Gu Qing Shan muttered in shock: “The reason you allowed me to go into the dream so easily was because you could show up next to me at any time. This is your Space-Time technique, so you can keep following me without fail”

“Furthermore, you already know that the Heaven sword was hidden away at the final moment of humanity. That’s why you laid a trap and led me into that fake seal, then sent me back to this era to obtain the sword” historical

The dark figure of light laughed out loud and replied: 「 Absolutely correct. Since you are a disciple of Barren Cloud Heavenly Palace, the Earth sword is with you, and because of your efforts up to now, you deserve to see my true self 」

The black light around the dark figure of light was now fully stripped off.

A colorful lower body of a spider.

A pure-white upper body of a person.

A pitch-black pair of hands.

Long hair, cherry lips, and eyes full of torturous killing intent.

The Abyssal Fate Weaver.

At this point, there was already no need for it to conceal its identity.

It had weaved together the web of fate that connected the past and future, finally close to obtaining the fruits of victory.

Gu Qing Shan quickly glanced at Luo Bing Li.

“Who exactly are you? If you don’t tell me now, it’ll be too late!” he sent his voice.

Luo Bing Li gritted her teeth and sent her voice: “I am the weapon spirit of that Abyssal weapon, created at the moment of the weapon’s inception”

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“How are you being restrained by the dark figure of light?” Gu Qing Shan swiftly followed up.

“It holds the other components of the weapon, those components could hold me and also restrict me!” Luo Bing Li replied.

The Abyssal Fate Weaver slowly walked forward and used the feminine fingers on her pitch-black hand to lift Gu Qing Shan’s chin.

「 During the entire process, you have been exceptionally excellent. There aren’t many fellows even in the Eternal Abyss whose mind could compare to yours. What do you say about becoming my husband? 」

She licked her cherry lips seductively and said.

“What benefits does being your husband have?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

The Abyssal Fate Weaver tilted her head a bit and smiled beautifully: 「 Hm, the benefit is that I will slowly devour every bit of your body, assimilate your soul into the Abyss myself and refine it into my eternal slave 」

She whispered into Gu Qing Shan’s ear: 「 This is the greatest honor among all of my slaves 」

“I suppose this special great honor that you grant me comes with a prerequisite?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

「 Correct, what a sharp young man 」the Abyssal Fate Weaver stroked Gu Qing Shan’s face, 「 Bring me to where the Heaven sword is. Once we obtain it, combine it with the Earth sword in your possession, we would be able to complete that renowned weapon. This is what I want you to do 」

“Very well, but I want some payment” Gu Qing Shan replied.

「 What do you want? 」

“The three coins. Give me those three coins, and I’ll get the Heaven sword for you”

The Abyssal Fate Weaver laughed: 「 The coins? You still want those three coins? Haven’t you been using them all this time? 」

Gu Qing Shan was shocked.

So that’s what happened.

There’s no such thing as [Space-Time Infiltration], I managed to arrive here from the future thanks to the power of the three coins!

When the three coins were activated, I already went with the Fate Weaver back to the Age of Old.

But the Fate Weaver was so vastly more powerful than any entity in the Age of Old, not even the Bygone Era humans managed to do anything to her.

That’s the real reason why I couldn’t notice her.

“I remember that in order to activate the three coins, you needed the power of three unique entities and that humanity only passed three of them down” Gu Qing Shan tried probing for more information.

The Abyssal Fate Weaver replied with a sarcastic expression on her face: 「 Back in the Bygone Era, you humans used a lot more than just three coins from the Abyss. What contradictory creatures you are. While you dread the Abyss, you also crave its Eternal power, how could there possibly be a great power that doesn’t cost a similarly great price? 」

Gu Qing Shan sighed: “Humanity is a race of many dreams”

「 What you said is inaccurate 」the Abyssal Fate Weaver slowly moved closer until her eyes faced Gu Qing Shan’s eyes directly: 「 Humanity is a race full of greed 」

Behind her, three unique entities silently hovered in mid-air.

A severed tree branch.

A girl whose eyes were shut.

And a man pinned down in chains with black smog constantly drifting from his body.

「 These are the three necessary powers that came from certain humans among your humanity, they had each tried to make a deal with the Abyss on their own accord 」the Fate Weaver explained.

Gu Qing Shan shook his head helplessly, then muttered in a low voice: “Why did they have to...”

「 Because of fear. They could not comprehend the Abyss or win against it, so they feared it, at the same time, it was because of their desires 」


「 All life desires to be Eternal, do they not? 」the Fate Weaver replied.

Gu Qing Shan said: “I want to know how they ended up”

The Abyssal Fate Weaver thought for a few moments before a shockingly alluring smile appeared on her expression of wild beauty.

She seemed to have recalled something interesting and couldn’t help but cover her mouth with the back of her hand, in order to avoid smiling too brightly.

「 The Abyss has always looked down with disdain upon these insignificant lives that prostrate themselves to beg it for something. The Abyss abandoned them 」

She declared with a mocking tone.