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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 909 - Lin
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Chapter 909: Lin


Within the silent darkness, a female voice suddenly resounded:

“Gongzi, if we keep waiting like this, who knows how long it would be until she woke up”

Followed by a familiar male voice: “That doesn’t matter, what’s important is waiting for her to wake up and explain that everything has been a misunderstanding”

The female voice asked: “Fine then, but isn’t gongzi going to look for the Old Guide?”

“Right now?”

“Yeah, since we would have to leave from this Gemini star eventually, it’s better that you go ask him the way first”

“Alright, then you take care of her for a bit, I’ll go look for the Old Guide.


The voices stopped here.

For a long while...

Gu Qing Shan’s voice couldn’t be heard any longer.

The only sounds left were the crackling sound of tree branches in a campfire and the occasional humming of a female voice.

The tall slender woman slowly opened her eyes.

It was currently deep in the night.

An elegant girl with an indifferent expression sat by a small campfire.

If I remember correctly, she should be Gu Qing Shan’s sword spirit, Shannu.

Gu Qing Shan had gone to find the Old Guide to look for the way off of this world, while his sword spirit remained here to watch over.

At this time, Shannu had noticed and turned towards her direction.

The two people’s gazes met.

The tall slender woman calmly asked: “How much time had passed since I died?”

“You have been dead for around 10 hours—— but you revived so quickly, how unimaginable”

Shannu stood up and walked next to the tall slender woman.

She was feeling a bit nervous.

Gongzi’s True Luck can only last for a few more dozen minutes, I wonder if that’s enough to win this monster’s trust.

The tall slender woman muses: “That can’t be right, I’ve never revived so early before, what kind of power did you use?”

Shannu explained in detailed: “We found a gem and gave it to a wooden doll, the doll then invited a pixie from this stream to save you”

“What kind of gem?”

“The Water Flower Gem”

“I know about that gem... even a pixie would have a hard time looking for that, no wonder”

The tall slender woman stood up and moved her body a bit.

She had an almost perfectly toned body—— that was being cloaked in a set of soft, silky Chinese palace maid dress.

“I remembered being sliced into many pieces when I died—– and pixies hate dead bodies, so was it Gu Qing Shan who put me together?” she curtly asked.

“No, I helped you put your body together, the clothes you’re wearing are also mine, but since your figure is a bit taller, they don’t seem to fit very well” Shannu observed her from top to bottom.

The tall slender woman closed her eyes and fell into thought.

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Indeed, when I was slowly regaining my consciousness, I was able to feel a pair of feminine, delicate hands helping me put my body back together.

She opened her eyes and glanced at Shannu’s hands.

Right, it was this pair of hands.

Then my body truly hasn’t been touched by that man.

The tall slender woman’s expression turned a bit less heated, then asked: “How exactly did I die?”

Shannu then explained to her the matter of the Demon Dragon and Living Being Sacrificial Dance.

——–since gongzi told her not to hide anything from her.

The tall slender woman silently listened but didn’t erupt in anger like Shannu had thought.

She instead appeared nostalgic as she muttered: “So it was something the old man left behind, hmph, so what if you were the strongest? In the end, you were still too soft-hearted and...”

Her voice slowly became lower as a look of sorrow surfaced in her gaze.

At this point, a figure came running back from downstream.

Gu Qing Shan appeared.

He acted surprised: “You revived so quickly?”

She was killed by me once, so I can’t be sure what she’s thinking right now.

Gu Qing Shan looked at her, waiting for her to respond.

At the same time, a timer was quickly counting down.

[Duration of True Luck remaining: 7 minutes 09 seconds]

7 minutes.

These 7 minutes will determine whether the Abyssal Fate Weaver and I are allies or enemies.

I really hope that I don’t get an enemy who’s like this.

Gu Qing Shan was sighing in his mind.

After their battle, he was in awe of her martial arts expertise.

——-truly in awe, because only a true Combatant with their heart dedicated to martial arts itself would be able to achieve that level of expertise.

With so infinite worlds and infinite possibilities, perhaps there were some powerful life forms that could easily defeat such martial arts experts.

But being powerful doesn’t mean that they have great expertise.

Like the Soul Shrieker, even as powerful as it was, it wouldn’t be able to comprehend the spirit and mental fortitude of those who had reached this level of expertise.

The tall slender woman nonchalantly answered Gu Qing Shan’s comment: “I can smell a strange and refreshing fragrance coming from my body, it was probably the pixie using a revitalizing technique on me that allowed me to revive so quickly”

“So that pixie was quite nice” Gu Qing Shan praised.

Fortunately, her attention was focused first on the pixie’s technique and not about his dance killing her earlier.

This allowed both sides to gloss this matter over completely.

The tall slender woman coldly laughed: “The things that pixies do are always strange and odd in one way or another, it’s not quite as simple as you think”

She lifted her clean pearly-white hand up for him to see.

“What’s the matter?” Gu Qing Shan didn’t really understand.

The tall slender woman lowered her head: “Pixies like to collect things that contain unique power, so it purposely used that revitalizing technique on her in order to justify taking away my ring as payment for using that technique”

Gu Qing Shan was surprised.

He suddenly realized how important that ring was to the tall slender woman.

After she was affected by [See you once again], Shannu had asked about her weakness.

That ring was supposed to be her weakness!

By losing the ring of vows, the tall slender woman lost the majority of her powers!

...that’s very troublesome.

According to the words of mouth in the 900 million World Layers, anything that has been taken by pixies is as good as lost, never to be recovered.

Gu Qing Shan observed her expression.

The tall slender woman didn’t appear to be nervous or impatient, instead, she appeared a bit lonely.

Gu Qing Shan asked: “Was that ring important? I heard that it’s not easy to take back what has been taken by a pixie”

The tall slender woman coldly replied: “It’s fine because I didn’t intend to give up the ring of vows, the Abyss would not punish me—– the will of the Abyss will make sure that Soul Artifact will return to me sooner or later”

Will of... the Abyss?

Gu Qing Shan silently shivered, but showed an expression of relief: “Then that’s great”

The tall slender woman turned to face him and spoke with a serious expression: “We need to leave, quickly”


“Since I lost the favor of the Abyss, the Demon Dragon surely would have already noticed——– and it already know that I’m here”

Gu Qing Shan followed up her words: “The Demon Dragon hadn’t arrived up to this point probably because it was afraid of your strength. But now that you’ve lost the power the Abyss, it would surely come to kill you and me to steal the twin swords Heaven and Earth away”

The tall slender woman confirmed: “Exactly. Since I’ve temporarily lost my Abyssal powers, with only my martial arts prowess remaining, I can’t head to the Reality Gate either...”

“Then we shouldn’t stall any longer, I found a way to leave this world from the Old Guide, we need to go now” Gu Qing Shan told her.

The tall slender woman didn’t respond right away.

She stayed silent for a bit as if making her choice.

Gu Qing Shan had already sighed deeply.

Because right now, her attitude was already much better than before, she probably wouldn’t specifically aim for me any longer.

He glanced at the War God UI. historical

———there were only 30 seconds left of True Luck.

Gu Qing Shan thought for a bit and said apologetically: “About the Sacrificial Dance killing you, I hope you can understand, because I couldn’t control that Dance either”

The tall slender woman was about to say something, but after Gu Qing Shan said this, she shut her mouth again.

20 seconds.

10 seconds.

7 seconds.

5 seconds.

The tall slender woman finally spoke:

“You were taught by the old man, so you can be half-considered to be his disciple... Fine, I’ll come with you for now, and when that ring returns to me, I’ll take you to the Reality Gate with me”

She then declared in a resolute tone: “Regardless of what happens, I need to travel through the Reality Gate and accomplish my vengeance”

True Luck ended.


A resounding roar echoed across the sky.

Followed by a thunderous voice: 「 Fate Weaver, were you abandoned by the Abyss? Ahahahaha! 」

The tall slender woman scowled: “We need to go right now, although no supernatural powers can be used on the Gemini star, Demon Dragon’s strongest point is its body, if we faced it here, it would have the absolute advantage instead”

Gu Qing Shan felt tense and immediately called out: “Let’s go!”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The three of them vanished from the side of the river.


At another location.

A tiny girl wearing a refreshing sundress was carefully observing the ring in front of her.

The glittering silvery ring was engraved with a shining gem.

This ring was about the same size as the tiny girl, occasionally giving off an invisible wave of power that pushed the girl several meters away.

“Shishishi, I like mysterious items like these, since I healed her wounds, taking a small ring from her is legal according to us pixies”

While speaking, the tiny girl took out a small wooden club and pointed it at the ring from far.

“Let me see your background”

She chanted an incantation.

“Secret of Wonder, show yourself!”

A green glow appeared from the small wooden club and flew into the ring.

The ring started floating in the air.

Some voices began to come out of the ring.


First came a hearty male voice: “Lin, I had to scour through countless corpses floating in Space-Time to find the materials to make this ring, and now I’m gifting it to you”

A clear bell-like giggle came, followed by a female voice: “Ehehe, so why did you spend so much effort on it?”

“For our love, of course”


The small pixie originally was about to write something down, but couldn’t help shouting: “Too nauseating, fast forward!”

She swung her small club again.

The two voices went away.

A few moments later, the next bit of voices came from the surface of the ring.


The male voice said hurriedly: “Lin, you have to help me this time”

“How do you want me to help you?” the female voice asked.

“The Space-Time Mystery Nest isn’t suitable for humanity to stay in. My political enemy suffered heavy losses this time, so humanity’s shelter should be built in the outer layer of the Abyss——- that place is infinitely expansive, enough to house a hidden emergency shelter for humanity. This is my idea, and also the project I have been constantly pushing for, but without a powerful martial artist to lead the way, no one is willing to attempt it” the male voice said.

The female voice hesitantly replied: “The outer layer of the Eternal Abyss...”

The male voice said resolutely: “This is THE chance for me to enter the decision-making echelon, victory or defeat is decided here. Lin, I only need you to sortie and lead a squad to scout the area with your influence”

The female voice replied: “I can do it for you, but my comrades, those girls——”

The male voice cut her off and quickly told her: “They only need to make one trip with you, as long as we can prove that humanity can survive in the Abyss for three days—— after three days, you can all return”

He continued: “Lin, once I enter the decision-making echelon, our lives will become a lot better, I swear I will definitely make you my wife at that time, I just beg you to help me this once”

The female voice said with a troubled tone of voice: “I can even give my life up for you, but my comrades are different. I don’t want to ask them to take such a serious risk because of me”

The male voice continued: “As long as you agree to, they would agree. They’ve already known about my proposal to you, and are more than willing to do this”

“What!? You already told them?” the female voice was shocked.

The male voice begged her: “This is only a simple trip, and they are all willing to accompany you this once——-this would help me climb to a better position!”

The female voice sighed helplessly and said: “Truthfully... those who haven’t been to the frontlines don’t understand just how unpredictable the Abyss can be. I want you to swear to me right now, if anything out of the ordinary at all happens in the Eternal Abyss, you must warp us back before anything else”

The man chuckled: “Don’t worry, that is a given. Even if a great disturbance happens in the Abyss, I would ensure your safety before anything else”

“...Very well, then I will lead everyone on that trip”

The female voice finally compromised.