Chapter 30 Wait And See
| wake up in the morning to a mighty roar and | rush out of my room without getting dressed, | know that roar
belongs to Ammon. It means | have no tto lose and getting dressed means wasting time, t| need to get
to the Crown Prince as fast as | can.
It is my job to make sure he is protected at all times and hearing him roar means something happened in his
room. “Maybe it was the intruder.” Goliath suggests and | link Leander as | run into Ammon’s room. Asha is
trying to calm him down but it seems something really pissed him off and | think Alwin might need to order him
to calm down.
By the tLeander walks into Ammon’s room Asha has succeeded in calming him down enough, | ask Asha
what happened but she doesn’t have the answer. Ammon’s roar wokeup and | have been unable to get him
to tellwhat is wrong.” She says and as | turn towards Leander | know he is in a foul mood as well.
“Someone took my necklace.” Ammon growls and for a moment | am to stunned to say anything, | don’t even
know what necklace he is talking about. “You placed it on the nightstand when we went to bed, could - it have
fallen to the floor?” Asha asks and | remember the necklace she gave Ammon for his birthday.
He always has it around his neck and | don’t think | have ever seen him without it since he got it, | get down on
my knees to see if it fell to the floor. “It’s not on the floor.” | state as | get back on my feet and | hear Ammon
growl again. “Could it have been last nights intruder?” Leander asks. “Prince Ammon isn’t his only victim. He
took the knife Dad gaveas well.”
Damn, this doesn’t sound good. Two males with a formidable reputation are missing personal items and in
Ammon’s case it means they had to get into his room to take it, which means that we need to go over patrol and
the guards around and inside the Palace.
King Alwin tells us to meet in their dining room and | know we will be discussing this until we are all sick and
tired of it, but it won't stop us from going over everything again and again. We eat our breakfast in silence and |
go over the events from last night, it was close to one in the morning when Leander linked
1. me.
By the t| got down the stairs Leander was waiting inside and once Eryx joined us we left the Palace through
the backdoor, the moment we got outside Goliath pushed forward but he couldn't explain why to me. He settled
down as we approached the guard that saw the Wolf and from what he told us | know he wasn’t mistaken,
someone crossed our border.
After we got back to the Palace Goliath was front and center again, but as we climbed the stairs he settled. down
again and despite talking about it we haven't been able to figure out what happened with him last night.
“Something on your mind, Son?” Dad asksand | tell him about what happened with Goliath, but he doesn’t
understand it either.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtOnce the servants have cleared the table King Alwin asks Leander to tell him about last night, he tells him the
sthing he toldand Eryx and when Alwin asks him when his knife went missing | start laughing my ass
off. “I had been up for hours and | knew | wouldn't get much sleep if | turned in for the night, so I told the guards
at the border | would take a nap under tree.
| slept for about three hours when a guard wokeand informedthat they hadn't seen a trace of the
intruder, | talked to a few of the guards on patrol before | headed back to the Palace. | was almost at the Palace
when | noticed that my knife was missing and | went back to look for it by the tree, but it wasn’t there.” Leander
Chapter 30 Wait And See
Eryx asks Leander how it is possible he didn’t wake up when his knife was taken, but other than the fact that he
was exhausted he can’t cup with a reason. could never sneak into your room when we were younger and
even now it is impossible for someone to get close to you when you are asleep, you always wake up.” Eryx
exclaims and | nod my head in agreement.
Leander is a light sleeper and pulling pranks on him in his sleep is nearly impossible. | have tried for years to pull
spranks on him, but so far he always woke up before | could pull them off and it usually meant | was the one
covered in whatever it was | had in my hands at the time.
“Sorry for getting of topic.” Axelle says. “But are all the rewards still in place?” She asks and | run from the room
to check the other six rewards that were still in place last night, the first place | stop at is where Sundown Pack’s
reward was hidden. | say was because | can tell as | approach the painting that it is gone.
The next four spots still hold their rewards and as | step out the backdoor | see that Amber Moon Pack has also
gotten their reward, looks like it could have been a competitor last night. However, it doesn’t explain the missing
necklace and knife and | wonder if any of the Pack-members in the competition would have the balls to pull this
“I can nat least one that would have the balls.“l hear Goliath say in my head and | chuckle as I think of the
female he is talking about, Yep she would have the balls to pull it off. It would also explain why she took
Leander’s knife, she knows it was a gift from his Father and like Ammon’s necklace it would be noticeable
Sundown Pack and Amber Moon Pack have their rewards.” | state as | walk back into the dining room and as | sit
down | ask the question | already have an answer to out loud, “Who would have the balls to walk into the Palace
and take your necklace, Ammon?” | ask and | can almost hear the wheels turning in everyone's head.
Alwin seems to be the first that realizes what | am hinting at, he is laughing his ass off and | really hope that
Goliath is correct with his answer. Once Alwin has calmed down Axelle asks him what that was all about, “Okay,
letask this in another way.” Alwin says and | wonder what other way there might be. He turns to Dixon as he
ask, “If this happened on your floor who would you point the finger at?”
Easy, if it happened to Eryx | would point my finger at Leander and vice versa of course. Dixon answers and |
understand where Alwin is going with his question. “How would you call that, Dixon?” Alwin asks and. when he
says sibling rivalry | see Axelle’s eyes widen, just before she starts laughing her ass off.
Asha and Sila have caught on as well and even my Dad knows who we are talking about, “That is... why.. Slater
asked.. if you... wanted the trouble..” Asha manages to say in between laughter and soon we are all laughing our
asses off. “Okay, if she moves here | am locking my door.” Ammon says out of breath.
Eryx asks why she would have taken Leander’s knife. “To proof a point.” Leander answers and he tells us that he
and Zalia had a discussion about the fact that no one could get near him even if he was asleep. Zalia hadn't
believed him and told him that if she was ever able to she would proof him wrong.
“Well, she managed to proofwrong. She took my knife and | never woke up as she took it.” Leander growls,
but we can all see that he isn’t mad with Zalia and | know exactly why he isn’t angry with her. She never treated
him differently just because he was Eryx baby Brother, most females tend to ignore him when they find out he is
only related to the next Royal Beta.
« . 2
| am going to lock my door until the
competition is over, if she shows up
q —, o 2
again she isn't taking anything that
P aa
belongs to me. Eryx says SOS
aks hifhlhat fie hell he has that
o . “
Zalia might want to take. “Except me,
of course,” Sila says as the rest of us
start laughing and | see Eryx think
sya Pp
about what she said, ‘Doesn't matter,
. ”
| am not taking any chances.” He
grumbles. The content is on! Read the latest
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmchapter there!
Chapter 30 Wait And See
| wonder who will be next on her list if
she plans on doing this to all of us, |
would go for Eryx next as hist rqom
is a floor below Amihdes-foom and
she Brady knows how to get up
there without getting caught. Maybe
she will go for Alwin or Axelle next
and leaveand Eryx out of it, | am
not sure what | would do if | had
decided to add to the challenge. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
| ask that question out loud and
everyone has an opinion on who to
go after next or what to take from
them, it is a nice, TRgteg desussion.
AA seéras Yolen] y himself until
AXelle says she would go after him.
next and to try and take his ring, a
ring that belonged to his Father once.
Maybe not a good idea to say that,
Alwin is really attached to the ring
and he might kill whoever takes it
from him. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Goliath and | try to figure out what she could take from me, but neither one of us can cup with an answer. |
don’t have anything of value that she could be gunning for and | decide we will just have to wait and see if she
comes after me.