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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 350
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Wang Xiaoou’s face darkened in a vicious scowl as she growled, “I’ve managed a lot of artists in the past few years.

Some have talent while others rely on their backgrounds. As long as they have either one of those, they’ll definitely

make it big. However, how long they remain famous is another matter entirely. Some aren’t willing to work hard

after they become famous and start to act all high and mighty. Eventually, the public will scorn and then forget

about them. By contrast, some are still willing to be diligent and try to maintain a low profile. All the while, they

constantly improve on their skills and become a firm favorite of the entertainment industry. In your case, you’re

both talented and have connections. Your future is limitless! The chances of you becoming internationally famous

are very high. However, before that can happen, you’ll need to have acted in a blockbuster film first. Mr. Chen

started this film project specifically for you but now you’re refusing to act in it? If you didn’t want to act then why

did you become an actress? Just what do you want?”

“I’m not that talented and I don’t have any connections either...”

“I’ve seen your acting skills when I was still Luo Fei’s manager. Honestly, I think you’re leagues better than her. As

for connections, Mr. Chen is personally setting up the stage for you to perform. Doesn’t that count? Unless you

think that only someone coming from Hollywood counts as having connections? If you’re so unambitious, then I’ll

call Mr. Chen right now! I don’t want to manage you anymore!”

In a fit of rage, Wang Xiaoou tossed the script she had been holding in front of Ning Ran.

She was someone who clearly knew about Ning Ran’s connection to Nan Chen yet still dared to scold the former.

That showed that she was truly capable and stuck to her principles. She was not the sort of person who got to

where they were today because they were good at currying favor.

Intimidated by the other woman’s demeanor, Ning Ran was not sure how to react at first.

Wang Xiaoou took out her phone, ready to do as she threatened.

“Ou, wait!” Ning Ran hastily stopped her. She pasted a smile on her face as she appeased her manager, “Ou, can

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we talk about this a little more? There’s no hurry, right? You don’t need to be so angry.”

“Ding Mi, when an opportunity comes knocking, you have to grab hold of it with both hands and not let go. If you let

this pass you by, another chance might never come again,” Wang Xiaoou stated gravely.

“I know that Ou, I really do. It’s just that this is such a huge burden on me and I’m feeling so stressed. I...”

“It’s normal to feel stressed. However, you have the ability to do this. Don’t worry about anything else. As long as

you and the team work hard, this film will definitely be a success. Mr. Chen is doing all this for you but also for the

company. You have to believe in yourself and in Mr. Chen. Most importantly, you need to believe in our team.”

Wang Xiaoou’s words comforted Ning Ran and helped ease the pressure a little.

“Why don’t you take a look at the script first?”

“No, there’s no need. I’ve decided I’ll do it,” Ning Ran declared.

Wang Xiaoou blinked. “That was quick.”

“I was just thinking about how Nan Chen is already so rich. Losing several billion is nothing to him. After that, it was

easy to make my decision,” Ning Ran said with a grin.

A laugh bubbled out of Wang Xiaoou’s lips. “That’s true. Despite how many movies came out each year, rarely do

they actually earn a profit. Investments always come with risks. Relax, even if the movie is a failure and the

company loses money, nobody will blame you for it.”

“Yeah, that’s why I don’t have to be worried about anything.”

“That said, you still need to be diligent when working on this movie. Don’t mess it up,” Wang Xiaoou warned.

“Of course! You yourself said that I was a talented actress. With talent on my side, I’m not afraid of working hard.

I’ll do my best!” Ning Ran pumped her fist in the air.

“That’s the spirit! Bring the script home with you and pore over it carefully. Prepare yourself mentally for what is

required of you. This isn’t the final script so there might still be changes in the future. Remember that this script is

confidential and must be kept secret at all costs.”

“Okay, I understand.”


At the headquarters of Sunshine Corporation, Flower City Branch.

The chairman of the board of directors, Ouyang Duo, had just finished a meeting with the executives from the

branch company. Exiting the conference room, he spotted Ouyang Qing waiting for him.

“Why are you here?”

All along, Ouyang Qing never really bothered herself with the day-to-day operation of the company. In fact, she was

rarely seen in her office at Sunshine Corporation. Today was an exception.

“I heard that you were going back. So I’m here to see you off,” she replied.

“See me off?”

“Yeah. You’ve been working so hard so I thought I should come and say goodbye,” Ouyang Qing chirped with a

sweet smile.

Ouyang Duo gestured for his entourage to go ahead of him. He wanted to talk to his daughter alone.

“What are you up to this time?”

“What do you mean, Dad? I just wanted to come and say goodbye, that’s all.”

“Then why don’t you come back home with me? You’ve been here in Flower City for quite a while now. Don’t you

think it’s time to go home?”

“What’s the hurry? I’m over here helping you keep an eye on the branch company. You were always hoping I would

manage the company affairs, right? Well, I’m learning now!” she protested.

“You’re learning? Really? Then why is it I hear the employees saying you hardly ever come in for work?”

She smiled innocently. “I do! They just never see it when I arrive.”

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“Fine. Do whatever you like. So what do you want from me? Let’s hear it.”

“Well, I’m learning how to run a company, right? There’s this project I want to join that I hope you’ll support me in.”

“Oh? You’re looking at projects now? So you’re really learning how to run a business! What kind of project are you

talking about?”

“I want to invest in a movie.”

“A movie? No. We never invest in movies. Those waters are very deep and we’ve never tested them before. It’s

best not to involve ourselves in the film-making industry.” Ouyang Duo waved his hand in dismissal.

“That’s exactly why we should try! I know our family usually deals in finances but we should try out other industries

as well. Think about it. If word gets out that we invested in a movie that’s a huge hit, it would be great advertising

for us, wouldn’t it? Dad, please agree to it! You’ve always been very open-minded about things. How could you just

outright reject my suggestion like that? Can’t you support me now that I’m actually feeling motivated?”

Ouyang Qing grabbed her father’s arm and tugged on it childishly as she whined.

Ouyang Duo only had this one daughter. Unlike those other young daughters from influential or wealthy families,

she was an ace student that excelled in her studies.

Her achievements were a constant source of pride for Ouyang Duo, especially when his friends praised her. That

was why he doted on his daughter relentlessly.

As she continued to plead with him, he felt his resolve crumble. “What kind of movie has caught your interest so?

And how much are you planning on investing in it?”

“Not much. just two hundred million for now. Dad, the lead investor for this movie is Nan Chen, which means it’s

definitely going to earn a profit! You know how he has a keen eye for business. There’s no way he’ll invest in

something that won’t profit him. That’s why we have to follow his investment!” Ouyang Qing explained excitedly.

Understanding dawned on Ouyang Duo at his daughter’s words.

“Nan Chen is the lead investor? So you’re not doing this to learn about business; you’re doing this for Nan Chen,

aren’t you?”