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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 351
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“Dad, how could you say that? Is that what a father is supposed to say to his daughter? I’m seriously doing this for

business! I just want a project of my own that can earn money as well. Not only will that benefit the company, but

it’ll reflect well on you too! Isn’t that a win-win situation? It’s just two hundred million. Let me try, please?”

Gazing down at the hopeful look in his daughter’s eyes, Ouyang Duo reluctantly nodded. “Fine. But I need to see a

feasibility report first! Although it’s just two hundred million, that’s still money. Since this is an investment, I don’t

care if it’s Nan Chen or whoever. All I care about is whether this investment will bring me profits.”

Delighted, Ouyang Qing asked eagerly, “Does that mean you agree to this?”

“Not completely. This is just a tentative agreement. Like I said, I want to read through a feasibility report first before

I make any final decisions.”

“I understand, Dad. I’ll get it ready for you as soon as I can! Wait for my good news, okay?”

With that said, she turned around to leave.

“Hey, didn’t you say you were here to see me off? Are you going to just leave me here?” Ouyang Duo called out

after her retreating back.

“I’m busy! Once I get the feasibility report, I’ll let you know. Bye, Dad!”

Ouyang Duo sighed in exasperation. Unfortunately, she was a grown woman now and he held no sway over her

anymore. He was well aware of his daughter’s feelings toward Nan Chen.

From a father’s standpoint, of course he hoped his daughter would marry Nan Chen. The Nan family was extremely

influential. If there was a marriage to tie the two families together, it would undoubtedly benefit the Ouyang family


Even ignoring the Nan family’s status, Ouyang Duo was incredibly pleased with Nan Chen. Not only was the younger

man very handsome, but he was also very talented.

As such, he had instantly approved of his daughter’s decision to follow in Nan Chen’s footsteps and invest in that


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Two hundred million really was quite insignificant. In fact, he would not even mind losing that money if he could get

Nan Chen as his son-in-law in return.

However, he could not immediately let his daughter know of his decision. After all, this was an investment

opportunity. He could not be too careless or Nan Chen might realize their intentions.

He did not want the Nan family to think that he was reaching above his station by pushing his daughter toward Nan

Chen. In the end, he had a daughter while the Nan family had a son. If he portrayed himself as being too lowly right

from the start, his daughter might end up getting bullied after she married.

He made his way toward the elevator, still lost in thought.

Right then, the elevator arrived with a “ding” and a man stepped out. It was his son, Ouyang Qi.

Ouyang Duo could feel a headache forming the moment he laid eyes on his son.

This son of his was the total opposite of his daughter.

Ever since young, he had gotten terrible grades in his studies. Trouble seemed to crop up wherever he went. It did

not matter how good the school was, he would eventually beat up his classmates or cause the teachers to resign in


There was even an incident during his high school years where he got a teacher pregnant. It was only after she was

paid a large sum that she kept quiet about it.

The Ouyang family was considered an influential family too. As such, a lot of women were constantly trying to get

close to Ouyang Qi. Needless to say, they were only after his fortune.

On his end, Ouyang Qi was indeed a lascivious man. He would never refuse any woman who could be considered

the slightest bit pretty. That had led to more than a few incidents over the years.

After graduation, he could not get into any of the local universities. Left with no other choice, Ouyang Duo sent him

off to Canada to further his studies.

To Ouyang Duo’s frustration, his son continued his playboy ways even while in Canada. He even managed to sleep

with the wife of a local mob boss. As a result, the mob boss kidnapped him, chopped off his left pinky finger, and

ransomed the Ouyang family for yet another large sum of money.

If this had happened to anyone else, that person would have learned their lesson. Yet Ouyang Qi did not.

After returning to the country, he did not stop his promiscuous ways. Instead, his behavior worsened.

He was constantly sleeping with various celebrities and had even gotten the nickname “Nine-Fingered Prince.”

The small-time celebrities often joked that he made up for his lack of finger by being even more generous. That’s

why they loved to date him.

This time, Ouyang Duo had brought him to Flower City to introduce him to some of the business magnates he knew.

Yet the brat had snuck off when he was not paying attention.

Naturally, Ouyang Qi was not at all interested in celebrating some old man’s birthday. He had slipped away to

sample the beauties of Flower City the first chance he got.

Rage boiled in Ouyang Duo when he saw his son. “What are you doing here?”

“Dad, you haven’t left yet?” Ouyang Qi was visibly surprised to see his father.

“You thought I’ve gone back home so you’re here to borrow money again, aren’t you? The company is not your

personal ATM! You can’t always borrow money from the Finance Department!” Ouyang Duo roared.

“Dad, I’m just borrowing! It’s not like I have no intention of returning the money!” Ouyang Qi protested.

That enraged Ouyang Duo more. “Really? Since when have you ever paid the money back?”

“I don’t have any income now. However, I’ll definitely return the money once I have it! You’re my father! If I don’t

spend your money then who will? It’s perfectly reasonable that I spend your money, isn’t it?” Ouyang Qi justified his


“You worthless animal! How did I ever get a son like you?”

“Hey Dad, I’m your son. If I’m an animal, what does that make you? You shouldn’t insult yourself like that. Anyways,

you should leave if you’re so busy,” Ouyang Qi replied with a grin.

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“I’m calling the general manager to tell him not to lend you any more money! You should just give up!”

“C’mon, Dad, don’t be like that. You’ve already frozen my bank account! I don’t even have any money to eat! If you

won’t let me borrow any money, am I supposed to be a beggar on the streets? If I had been an ordinary man, that

wouldn’t have mattered much since I’m quite thick-skinned. However, I’m Ouyang Duo’s son! I’m part of the great

Ouyang family! Think of what would happen if any reporters discovered me begging on the streets! Imagine the

shame I would bring to the family!”

Ouyang Duo’s face purpled with rage at how shameless his son was being. How is he so good at twisting reason to

fit his purposes?

But in the end, no matter how terrible he was, Ouyang Qi was still his son. He could not, in good conscience, just

leave him be.

“Don’t bother the Finance Department! I’ll have them unfreeze your bank account. However, don’t spend any of

that money on women again! Plus, you’re to come home with me now! From now onward, focus on learning as

much as you can at work with me. You’re not exactly young anymore. It’s about time you man up and be a

responsible person!”

Even though Ouyang Duo had ordered his subordinates to not lend Ouyang Qi any more money, there was no way

any of them would dare offend the Young Master. When it came down to it, Ouyang Qi was still the successor to the

company. They would lose their jobs if they pissed him off and he held a grudge when he took over.

That was why they were more than willing to lend him money as long as he asked.

Most of the time, they lent it to him using the company name. Their mindset was that it was the Ouyang family’s

money anyway. He just needed to write an IOU and then it was none of their business whether he returned the

money or not.

“Thanks, Dad. But I can’t go back just yet. I still have something very important to do here!” Ouyang Qi said


“You have something important to do? What kind of important business could you possibly have?”

There was no way Ouyang Qi would tell his father that a woman had caught his interest.