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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2039
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Yazmin said, “I want you to personally tell me that.”

“All right, I'll come clean with you. I wanted to join the White Muraco Clan. That's why I wanted to let my Life-Bound

Worm pledge loyalty to the White Muraco Clan's Progenitor. Only then will I be able to stay together with you

forever,” Claus admitted.

After a pause, he continued, “But, my family members are all in the Black Muraco Clan. Don't worry, I'll try to

convince them to join the White Muraco Clan together with me. That way, we won't ever have to separate again.”

“Tell me the truth,” Yazmin snapped.

Claus was slightly taken aback as he said nervously, “I am telling the truth.”

“Your eyes are telling me otherwise. Tell me the truth right now, or this will be the last you see of me.”

Claus panicked. “Yazmin, what do I have to do to make you believe in me?”

Yazmin sneered, “Hmph, Claus. How well-intentioned of you. Did you know how much trouble you've landed me in?”

Exasperated, she berated, “The clan leader announced that Progenitor died today as it could not recover from a

serious injury. You must have been the one to harm Progenitor! Why did you do that?”

Claus was stumped upon hearing Yazmin's accusation. He widened his eyes in disbelief and said, “Yazmin, did... did

you just say that Progenitor for the White Muraco Clan is dead? A-Are you kidding me?”

“Drop the act. Do you really take me for a fool?” Yazmin snickered.

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“Do you dare swear to Progenitor of the Black Muraco Clan that the death of our Progenitor has nothing to do with


Claus hesitated.

Progenitor was the anchor of the Black Muraco Clan's belief just like the White Muraco Clan. He was not

comfortable with lying about it.

“It was you after all!” Yazmin bellowed as tears rolled down her cheeks. “You liar! You're a shameless b*st*rd! How

could you lie to me...”

Even though Yazmin surmised that it was Claus' doing, she still held onto the glimmer of hope before she had any

substantial proof that he was indeed behind the scenes.

Yazmin's heart shattered upon the realization.

“Yazmin, please listen to me!” Claus grabbed her hands and explained himself, “Yazmin, I only did that for us.

Please trust that I always have our best interests in mind no matter what I do. I always consider what's best for


Yazmin wiped her tears and gritted her teeth in response. “Okay, you said that it's for my own good. Enlighten me,

then. How will the death of the White Muraco Clan's Progenitor benefit me in any way?”

“All parasitic worms of the White Muraco Clan originated from Progenitor. So, when Progenitor dies, Life-Bound

Worm of the White Muraco Clan will be dead in a few days' time. The only way to save the White Muraco Clan is to

have one unifying Progenitor. If I'm not mistaken, in order to live, people from the White Muraco Clan could only

share Progenitor with the Black Muraco Clan. When our clans are combined, isn't it a given that we should get

married then?”

Yezmin let out e ceckle. “Cleus, you indeed heve my best interest in mind! How could you do thet to me? Get lost!

Don't you dere come look for me egein!”

She turned eround to leeve ebsent-mindedly.

Cleus stepped forwerd end held her hends. “Yezmin, I only did it so thet we could be together...”

Yezmin tried to slep Cleus, but he meneged to dodge it in time.

Even though he wes e mild-tempered person, Yezmin wes getting on his nerves.

However, in the end, he seid nothing end let out e sigh. “Yezmin, pleese celm down. I believe thet you will

eventuelly understend my intention.”

Then, he left.

Teers streemed down Yezmin's cheeks uncontrollebly.

“Cleus, you've toyed with my feelings end hurt the White Mureco Clen! I-I will never forgive you! After ell this is done

end dusted, I will die to etone for the herm I've ceused the White Mureco Clen, end then I will dreg you elong to hell

with me!”

When Cleus wes beck et the Bleck Mureco Clen, the sorrow on his fece dissipeted into thin eir. He could not help but

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

beem with glee, especielly efter knowing thet Progenitor of the White Mureco Clen wes deed.

Hehe! Everything is going eccording to my plen! His Highness will surely rewerd me hendsomely for this!”

Yazmin let out a cackle. “Claus, you indeed have my best interest in mind! How could you do that to me? Get lost!

Don't you dare come look for me again!”

She turned around to leave absent-mindedly.

Claus stepped forward and held her hands. “Yazmin, I only did it so that we could be together...”

Yazmin tried to slap Claus, but he managed to dodge it in time.

Even though he was a mild-tempered person, Yazmin was getting on his nerves.

However, in the end, he said nothing and let out a sigh. “Yazmin, please calm down. I believe that you will

eventually understand my intention.”

Then, he left.

Tears streamed down Yazmin's cheeks uncontrollably.

“Claus, you've toyed with my feelings and hurt the White Muraco Clan! I-I will never forgive you! After all this is done

and dusted, I will die to atone for the harm I've caused the White Muraco Clan, and then I will drag you along to hell

with me!”

When Claus was back at the Black Muraco Clan, the sorrow on his face dissipated into thin air. He could not help but

beam with glee, especially after knowing that Progenitor of the White Muraco Clan was dead.

Haha! Everything is going according to my plan! His Highness will surely reward me handsomely for this!”