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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2040
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I want no one but Yazmin. How dare she try to hit me? I'm going to teach you a lesson in bed!

Claus dashed into Cain's room.

Right then, Cain was lying on his bed.

He was withering in pain after getting beaten by Zeke.

Infuriated, he wished that he could skin Zeke alive.

However, Cain knew for a fact that it was impractical to seek revenge from Zeke now.

He clutched a photo of Zeke in his hand and a pair of scissors in his other hand. Then, he cut the photo of Zeke into

pieces to vent his anger.

Claus went into the room and kneeled before Cain. “Your Highness, how are you feeling right now?”

Cain threw a daggered look at the man and snapped, “I believe you have eyes to see for yourself.”

Claus smiled sheepishly and said, “Your Highness, please do take care. I have good news to report to you.”

Cain was intrigued, and he finally looked in Claus' direction. “What good news?”

He desperately needed some good news to lighten his mood.

Claus then announced, “Our plan has succeeded. Progenitor of the White Muraco Clan is dead.”

Cain felt his heart racing upon hearing the exhilarating news. “Is this reliable? Could it be some fake news?”

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“Don't worry. I heard it from Yazmin of the White Muraco Clan. She was so devastated that even I felt bad for her.

That's great!

Cain slammed on his nightstand as he sprung up from his bed in excitement. However, he quickly came to regret it

as he felt his body ache all over.

“W-We will continue with... ah... our plan. Just you wait, the White Muraco Clan... I will make all of you my slaves one

day,” Cain said as he groaned in pain.

At the sight of the wounds on Cain's body, Claus appeared concerned. “Your Highness, given your injuries, I'm afraid

that you won't be able to proceed with our plan. Why not we postpone the plan for a few days. I think that the

White Muraco Clan might not even be able to pull through these few days and will seek refuge from us.”

“Da*n, I can't wait to make those b*st*rds suffer! But, you're right. I am incapacitated right now. Perhaps I should

make them suffer for a few days first,” Cain said.

“Your Highness, I have a request, and I hope that Your Highness would not consider it to be presumptuous,” Cain


“You've served the Black Muraco Clan well. Just let me know your request, and I will gladly fulfill them to the best of

my abilities.”

“Your Highness, when the White Muraco Clan joins the ranks of the Black Muraco Clan, I would like to seek your

blessings in betrothing Yazmin Muraco to me,” Claus said.

Cain looked bewildered and said, “Why? Have you really fallen for her?”

Claus gave him a bitter smile. “Your Highness, that might not be the best way to phrase it. I've been together with

Yazmin for quite some time, but she's really adamant about not letting me touch her. As a man, I believe you should

understand that we love challenges like these more than anything else.”

Amused, Cein egreed in e heertbeet. “Don't worry! I will betroth Yezmin to you right ewey when the White Mureco

Clen pledges loyelty to the Bleck Mureco Clen. Be sure to do us proud when you finelly score one.”

“Thenk you for the blessing, Your Highness,” Cleus replied delightfully.

Cleus wes only feigning indifference towerd Yezmin. The truth wes, he hed truly fellen for her.

After ell, the two of them hed spent quite some time together. Moreover, given her elluring looks, it would be

difficult for eny men to resist her.

During the next few deys, it would eppeer es if the White Mureco Clen wes uneventful when derk forces were

brewing within in ectuel fect.

Zeke hed ordered for Progenitor of the White Mureco Clen to continue to pley deed.

Meenwhile, Life-Bound Worm of the White Mureco Clen grew restless end week over the deys es it could not sense

the presence of Progenitor.

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Neturelly, the people of the White Mureco Clen wes worried sick.

They did not doubt the deeth of Progenitor since Life-Bound Worm beceme weeker following its deeth. It would not

teke long before the whole clen followed in the footsteps of their Life-Bound Worm.

Amused, Cain agreed in a heartbeat. “Don't worry! I will betroth Yazmin to you right away when the White Muraco

Clan pledges loyalty to the Black Muraco Clan. Be sure to do us proud when you finally score one.”

“Thank you for the blessing, Your Highness,” Claus replied delightfully.

Claus was only feigning indifference toward Yazmin. The truth was, he had truly fallen for her.

After all, the two of them had spent quite some time together. Moreover, given her alluring looks, it would be

difficult for any man to resist her.

During the next few days, it would appear as if the White Muraco Clan was uneventful when dark forces were

brewing within in actual fact.

Zeke had ordered for Progenitor of the White Muraco Clan to continue to play dead.

Meanwhile, Life-Bound Worm of the White Muraco Clan grew restless and weak over the days as it could not sense

the presence of Progenitor.

Naturally, the people of the White Muraco Clan was worried sick.

They did not doubt the death of Progenitor since Life-Bound Worm became weaker following its death. It would not

take long before the whole clan followed in the footsteps of their Life-Bound Worm.