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Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

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Chapter 0100

Lucius unexpectedly ran into someone who seemed surprised by his early departure.

“Are you leaving already?” the stranger asked.

“Who might you be?” Lucius asked coldly.

He was struck by a sense of familiarity in the man’s eyes, usually a detail he would overlook in people he

deemed unimportant.

“Hello, Patrick Wickham, and this is my daughter.” Patrick said, introducing himself and Emily, who was standing

by his side.

Lucius realized why their eyes were familiar; they were identical to Violet's, and that caused his expression to

turn icy.

Patrick can’t help but shiver, sensing a coldness coming from Lucius, despite no known animosity or business

connections between them.

“Mr. Davis.“Emily greeted, her eyes twinkling with delight.

Meeting such a top-tier tycoon would astonish anyone, even someone from a wealthy family like her.

Lucius’s gaze shifted to Emily, taking in her elegantly figure-hugging Chenette gown that accentuated her form,

and her professionally done makeup.

“I'm a frequent shopper at your mall,” Emily replied, attempting to strike up a conversation.

Patrick had been encouraging her to get engaged in business since her voice had been destroyed, which was

what brought her here. Not everyone could afford Imperial Palace goods, and her

desire to establish herself was obvious.

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Nevertheless, the price tag of her Chenette gown was an intimidatingly expensive piece.

Violet, on the other hand, appeared considerably more modest. The clothes she wore when she

arrived and departed were clearly cheap, probably not costing more than a few hundred dollars.

Curious, Lucius asked, “How many daughters does Mr. Wickham have?”

The question baffled Patrick. If Lucius was interested in Emily, he should have asked about her rather than how

many daughters he had...

“This is my daughter, Emily, who just graduated from college.”


Or, more accurately, she dropped out after her voice was damaged and refused to return to school.

Patrick never mentioned Violet's presence, owing to lingering resentment. Emily’s future wouldn't have been so

dark if it hadn't been for Violet.

Luctus acknowledged this with a nod, recalling a phone call where Patrick claimed, “My daughter Is already


A cynical smile played across his lips. He quickly lost interest in the conversation, and walked away.

Left behind, Patrick and Emily were baffled, trying to decipher Lucius’s motives.

Emily, still captivated by Lucius’s presence, comforted her father, “People as young and wealthy as him tend to

be arrogant. Let's go inside.”

To Emily, Lucius appeared taller, more striking, and more authoritative than Oliver.

After getting into his car, Lucius’s mood was noticeably somber, and his expression was stern. Previously, he had

been simply weary at the event, but now, he was clearly irritated.

George, unsure of Lucius’s current state of mind, tentatively probed, “Master Lucius, shall we head back to the


“Let the Charity Federation know that Violet's presence at the dinner is no longer required,” Lucius directed with

a firm tone.

Patrick, Lucius reasoned, was avoiding any mention of Violet on purpose, likely indicating a significant rift

between them. Violet would be upset if she had to face her father, who had declared her dead and favored her


He recalled Violet's anguish at her father’s proclamation that she was dead, and his heart tightening at the


Yet, he pondered, why should he be concerned with Violet's emotions? After all, she had left him, and her

feelings were not his responsibility.

In irritation, Lucius clenched his hands.

“Return to the hotel and leave the car to me,” he ordered, his voice growing harsher.


George hesitated, concerned about leaving Lucius alone. However, a harsh glance from Lucius forced George to

pull over to the side of the road and leave.


Lucius remained seated in the car, engulfed in silence. He didn’t start the engine.

Throughout Violet's life. Belle had always coaxed her father to take Emily to significant events. Emily was an

obvious choice as a skilled vocalist, and Violet had gotten accustomed to being neglected.

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However, the caller was quite persuasive, almost indicating that the dinner would be impossible

to hold without Violet's presence.

She doubted her own influence, ignorant that Lucius had made it clear to the organizers that he

wouldn't go without Violet.

Following their sincere invitation, Violet eventually decided to attend.

Traffic held up her arrival that evening. Her phone rang as she neared the hotel

“Ms. Wickham. | apologize for the late notice, but you are no longer required at the dinner due to certain

reasons,” a staff member informed Violet as she stepped out of the taxi.

Violet was irritated, yet she didn’t lash out at the workers. After all, she wasn’t very interested in such gatherings

in the first place. She saw them merely as a way to pass the time.

After responding calmly, she was ready to head back.

She did, however, catch a glimpse of the glass hall as she turned her head. The lights were dazzling, and

numerous attractive individuals were scurrying around, socializing, and clinking


Among them, she noticed two familiar figures standing arm-in-arm in a particularly visible spot-

Patrick and Emily!

Violet observed from afar how tenderly Patrick treated Emily,

as he introduced her around.

s every gesture radiating affection