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Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

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Chapter 0099


He then sternly reminded the servant, “We shouldn't casually link everything to Ms. Violet. And remember, more

work, less talk.”

The servant, covering his mouth, walked away.

George sighed, reminiscing about Violet's presence; she dared to confront Lucius and spoke up for the

oppressed, voiceless staff.

Lucius was worn out after several days of continuous work, and headed upstairs.

He didn’t realize he had strolled inside Violet's old room until he got there. The room was tidy, everything in

order except for a missing bag-an insignificant detail. The rest remained as they


Violet had taken only her original bag and smoney. In her eyes, the money and the bag were

more valuable than him.

He envisioned her enjoying a grand life. He realized it was he who created unnecessary problems, and even sent

Naomi to accompany her.

Lucius felt uneasy all over as he imagined her living her life to the fullest. Then, he started to find everything in

the room irritating.

“George! Tear this room down and redecorate it!” he ordered.

Lucius, previously known for losing his temper only during work, now appeared to be

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irritable even after his tasks were completed.

The entire staff at the Imperial Palace was on edge, being careful not to make any mistakes.

George, holding a phone and treading carefully, reported, “Master Lucius, you've been invited to the Charity

Federation's Gala Dinner in gratitude for your generous donation.”

“Charity Federation?” Lucius looked puzzled at the phone. “When did | make a donation?”


The call baffled George, because he was aware of Lucius’ typical disinterest in charitable endeavors.

Amidst Lucius’s recent unpredictable behavior, George cautiously conveyed, “They mentioned a donation of fifty

million from you, making you the top individual contributor.”



Lucius was known for not engaging in charitable acts, something George was aware of. But such a call wouldn't

cwithout reason.

Considering Lucius’s recent erratic behavior, George wasn’t sure what to think, so he relayed the message.

“They said you donated fifty million, making you the largest individual donor, so...”

“Fifty million?”

He had never given a din his life. Luclus frowned, and turned to face George.

#I'll find out right away!” George murmured, uneasy beneath his gaze.

In true butler fashion, George returned in ten minutes with a tablet displaying a scanned copy of the check

Lucius had signed for the donation.

“This is the check for the donation, Master Lucius.”

“Are you confused?” Lucius asked without looking. “My signature is on numerous checks! They all look identical.

How does this prove anything?”

Feeling the pressure, George hesitantly asked, “Do you truly not recall making a fifty million. donation?”

This amount resonated with Lucius, reminding him of a similar amount he had given to Violet.

“Did Violet go to Blue Cross?” he asked with a slow, deliberate tone.

George gave a nod and confirmed, “Yes.”

“Bring it here!” Lucius demanded abruptly.

George gave over the tablet without hesitation, despite his confusion.

Upon reviewing it, Lucius’s grip tightened. The check, dated May 10th, the day Violet left, indicated

she had donated his money to Blue Cross. She wasn’t even interested in his money.

People who were caught up in specific emotions frequently overthink things. Lucius’s face hardened with

murderous intent at that instant.

Paralyzed with fear, George prayed he would survive his ordeal at least a little longer. Being a butler was proving

to be a dangerous occupation.

“Notify the Charity Federation that | will be attending their gala dinner. Also, ensure Violet is informed of her

attendance,” Lucius instructed before vanishing upstairs.

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George stood dumbstruck, pondering Lucius’s unexpected actions. Why donate suddenly and attend a non-

profitable event? And why did this involve Violet?

His mouth dropped as he pieced everything together.

A revelation dawned on George, Violet had donated all the money to Blue Cross. It was clear now that Lucius

cared more about her actions than the money itself.

The night was fouuy.

Despite his best efforts, Lucius’s imperial aura could not be hidden. It was as if a high-intensity light bulb had

been sparked within him, causing him to shine wherever he went, drawing screams of appreciation.

This year’s Gala Dinner took place at Balaka City’s most opulent hotel.

The presence of Lucius transformed the amblance of the occasion; being next to the world’s wealthiest man was

an honor in and of itself.

More importantly, establishing a relationship with him could propel one’s brand to the top without the need for


Following the announcement of Lucius’s participation, the once hard-to-distribute invitations. were snatched up

in an auction.

Lucius wasn’t a fan of bustling events. Those who had paid for invitations naturally didn’t want to miss the

chance to speak with such a powerful figure, resulting in a flood of individuals seeking him out.

Despite his reluctance and exhaustion by the superficial smiles, Lucius forced himself to stay until the event


“Mr. Davis?”

He abruptly ran into someone at the door.