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Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

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Chapter 0098

“Violet should attend our engagement because it is a big deal,” Oliver stated, breaking his


His white suit lent him an air of refined elegance.

“What if she refuses to come?” Emily said, feigning a sweet demeanor. “I sincerely wish she'd come. Regardless,

she is my only sibling. I'm still hoping for her blessings.”

Under her mother’s influence, Emily had gotten skilled at making her falsehoods sound true.

“I'll speak with her,” Oliver suggested, standing up.

Patrick gave a slight nod in agreement, showing minimal reaction to Oliver's proposal.

Both Belle and Emily’s expressions changed, but due to Patrick’s presence, they kept their

emotions in check.

“It's getting late. | should go,” Oliver announced, casting a warm look at Emily before saying

goodbye to her parents.

“I'll see you out,” Emily said hurriedly, following beside him.

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“Do you really intend to see Violet?” she probed cautiously. “You've always had such an aversion

to her. Won't her presence at our engagement upset you?”

“Regardless of my feelings, she’s your sister. I'm aware of the circumstances and will manage my


Inside, Emily wished Oliver wouldn't restrain himself. Ideally, he would confront Violet harshly, prompting her to

keep her distance in the future. Better yet, he shouldn't seek her out at all, nor should she attend the


“Oliver, there's something I've never mentioned to you.”

Emily halted, biting her lip, embodying the image of a wronged innocent.

“Violet damaged my throat because...she’s been in love with you for ages. Her feelings began even before your

accident,” she revealed.

With her face hidden in her hands, she continued, “I'm sorry, Oliver. My love for you madeoverlook her

emotions. Believing you might not recover, | wanted nothing more than to be by your side. | thought... | thought

Violet's feelings for you have faded since she never visited you. | blame.


“How could that be your fault? Without you, I'd still be unconscious in the hospital. You're my lucky star,

remember?” Oliver reassured her, enveloping Emily in a comforting embrace.

His voice was tender and deep, and his arms offered solace.

“Emily, don’t worry about others. Just know that | adore you, and that you're the only person I'll

ever love.”

That was precisely what she wanted to hear.

Emily, still trembling, looked vulnerable and fragile, like a leaf in the wind. “But what about Violet? How do we

confront her? She believes | took you from her, oh...!"”

“Emily, your heart is too pure. There is no stealing in matters of love, but about choosing whom to be with. My

choice is you.”

“Oliver...” Emily embraced him more tightly, her voice filled with relief. “Hearing you say this makesfeel

relieved. | really, really love you. | thought of you every day while you were in a coma, hoping you'd wake up. |

continued to sing to you, saddened that you couldn't hear me.”

“Your dedication moved fate itself. | did hear you, my love,” he replied.

Oliver gave her a gentle kiss. They remained in each other's arms for a long tbefore parting reluctantly.

Oliver entered his car and drove away.

As the car drove away, picking up speed, Oliver felt a tightness in his throat, as if something was suffocating him

and making it difficult to breathe.

Violet loved him, so why wasn’t she by his side when he was in a coma? Why hadn’t she been

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the one to wake him up?

She was unaware of his initial disappointment upon seeing Emily when he woke up, and her claim that she was

the one who sang to him during his coma.

Perhaps this disappointment fueled his eagerness to blViolet for Emily's predicament. foregoing any


Emily had been his savior, and he resolved to devote his life to her, to cherish and protect her.

Farewell, Violet! He removed a long-worn necklace and threw it out the window.

For two weeks after Violet's departure, life at the Imperial Palace had gone on as usual.

Her departure didn’t seem to have much of an impact here, at least on the surface. Lucius went


He rarely lost his fury over food, for George uncovered his culinary preferences and employed a countryside chel

known for simple, rustic cooking.

Observing Lucius consistently finishing his meals, George remarked cheerfully, “All credit goes to Ms. Violet. We

never would've guessed Master Luclus’s dietary preferences without her insight.”

Realizing his slip of the tongue, George quickly fell silent.

One of the servants shared, “I really miss Ms. Violet. She wasn’t one to cause trouble or put on airs. Her being

here made our work smoother. And the way she handled Regina’s care-a task we all feared-made it look

effortless. We were harsh to her at times, but looking back, she was quite pitiful.”

George, in fact, shared this sentiment but kept it to himself.