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Saga of The Night God

Chapter 67 Revenge
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Morries rushed to the kitchen and found a fat Biagio cooking something. He rushed toward him to inform about Meredith.

"Hey Morries, what are you doing here? Why are you not serving the guests?" Biagio asked, seeing Morries standing there not doing anything.

"Chef, she is here." Morries informed.

Biagio's expression grew serious upon hearing the news. "We need to move quickly. Go inform the others and assist Ghanso," he instructed Morries before turning to leave. "I have something else to take care of first. I'll catch up with you soon."

Morries nodded and quickly ran off to inform the others.

As Biagio hurriedly left the kitchen, he made his way to his room with a sense of urgency. Once inside, he quickly scanned the room to ensure no one was watching before pulling out a small bottle filled with black liquid. With a steady hand, he carefully poured the contents into a delicious-looking dish on his table.

Just then, a servant entered the room and interrupted him, "Chef Biagio, Lord Richard, is asking for dinner to be served."

Biagio turned to face the servant, his expression calm and collected. "Please start serving and make sure to give this dish to the Duke. It's a special creation of mine," he said as he handed the dish to the servant.

The servant looked at the dish and then at Biagio. He nodded and took the dish.

Biagio watched as the servant left the room, his mind focused on the task at hand. He knew that his plan was risky, but it was the only way to ensure hit two targets with one arrow.

​ **************

[Sometime Later]

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Ghanso ran through the dark and deserted hallway, his heart pounding with anticipation. He knew that he was getting closer to Meredith, the woman who had destroyed everything he had ever cared about, his son.

Finally, he saw her, standing in the middle of a large room, surrounded by a glowing red mist. She was squatting near the body of a guard while her hand was on his chest.

Meredith turned to face him, a cruel smile on her lips. "Well, well, well," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Look who decided to show up. I've been waiting for you, Ghanso Valliere ."

Ghanso unsheathed his sword, ready to strike. "Let that person go, Meredith," he said, his voice low and steady. "Your time is up."

Meredith let out a cruel chuckle as she spoke. "Hehe, I was just about to have a delightful dinner, but it seems you've interrupted my plans. If only you were this fast before, you could have you son's body for cremation." She said, her voice filled with malicious glee as she licked her lips in a grotesque manner, savoring the memory of the taste of his son.

Ghanso's face contorted with rage and grief at her words. He charged at her, his sword raised high, determined to end her once and for all. His sword glowed with a blue aura.

He remembered her mouth stained with his son's blood, her hand ripping his body. While his eyes still filled with life but begging someone to be kill him.

And as he remembered the memory of his son's bloody clothes, that was the only thing remained after Meredith had eaten him alive. He swung his sword down, a wave of magic energy exploded from the blade, causing the room to shake and the mist to dissipate. Meredith dodged his attack with ease, her body twisting and contorting in unnatural ways. She retaliated with a blast of red magic from her glowing dagger, but Ghanso was able to block it with his own magical shield.

Their swords clashed in a brilliant display of magic and steel, each strike sending sparks flying. Ghanso's attacks were fueled by his anger and grief, while Meredith's movements were fluid and graceful, almost like a dance. Despite her apparent ease, Ghanso could see the strain on her face as she blocked his powerful blows.

Meredith cackled as she dodged Ghanso's strikes, her movements swift and graceful. "Oh, the taste of your son's flesh was exquisite," she taunted, her voice sickeningly sweet. "I have to thank you for that gift. It was truly a delightful experience."

Ghanso's fury only grew at her words, his strikes becoming more erratic and wild. "You monster!" he shouted, lunging at her with all his might.

Meredith effortlessly dodged his attack, her laughter ringing out in the room. "Oh, don't be so dramatic," she said, twirling her dagger in her hand. "Your son's sacrifice was necessary for my lord, and the taste was just a bonus."

Ghanso gritted his teeth, his grip on his sword tightening. "You will pay for what you've done," he growled, charging at her again.

Meredith continued to dance around him, her movements graceful and effortless. "I don't think you understand, Ghanso," she said, her voice dripping with arrogance. "I am far more powerful than you could ever hope to be. You can swing that sword all you want, but you'll never defeat me." As she spoke, she held up her arm, revealing the seven intricate circles etched into her flesh.

"You advanced to 7th circle? How? When?"

Ghanso's eyes widened in disbelief as he saw the seven circles on Meredith's arm. He knew how difficult it was to advance to the seventh circle, and he had never thought that Meredith would be capable of achieving it.

"How did you advance to the seventh circle?" Ghanso asked, his voice filled with both shock and anger.

The circles were like a series of intricate, glowing tattoos etched into her skin. They wrapped tightly around her arm, forming a pattern of interlocking shapes and symbols that seemed to pulse with an inner energy. Each circle was filled with a deep, pulsing red color. The edges of the circles were razor sharp, as if they had been etched into her flesh with a magical blade, and they pulsed with a powerful energy that seemed to hum through the surrounding air.

Meredith let out a sinister chuckle, twirling her dagger in her hand. "Oh, Ghanso, you really are naïve, aren't you?" she said, her voice dripping with disdain. "I've been working towards this for years, studying ancient texts, mastering my techniques and, of course, eating delicious meals like your boy. And now, with the power of the Circle of Seven, I am unstoppable."

Ghanso felt a shiver run down his spine at her words. He knew that the seventh Circled worriers are powerful, capable of releasing immense power. But he had never imagined that Meredith would be able to reach it.

"You will never win, Meredith," Ghanso said, his voice low and steady. "I will take revenge for my son's death"

"Revenge, shove it into your ass." Meredith said with a disgusted sneer, rolling her eyes as she spoke. "Like I shoved my teeth into your son's tender flesh." Meredith replied, a wicked smile spreading across her face."

Ghanso glared at her, his grip on his sword tightening. "You may have power, but you lack any sense of morality," he said, his voice laced with venom.

Meredith laughed at his words. "Morality is subjective, Ghanso. What matters is strength and the ability to make sacrifices for the greater good." She paused for a moment, her eyes narrowing as she studied Ghanso's expression. "You're just like all the others, clinging to your pathetic notions of right and wrong. That's why you'll never defeat me."

Ghanso stepped forward, his sword pointed at Meredith. "I don't need your approval, Meredith. I'll defeat you and avenge my son's death, no matter what it takes."

Meredith raised her hand, a crimson aura forming around it. "Then come and try, Ghanso. Let's see if your precious justice can stand up to my power." She said as she prepared to strike..

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Meredith's laughter echoed through the chamber as she continued to toy with Ghanso, easily dodging his strikes and countering with deadly precision. For a moment, it seemed as though she had the upper hand.

But Ghanso was determined, fueled by his grief and his desire for revenge. He refused to give up, no matter how much pain he endured or how many times Meredith seemed to gain the advantage.

Meredith's attacks became faster and more aggressive, and Ghanso struggled to keep up with her. He knew that he was no match for her in terms of raw power, but he refused to give up.

Before Meredith launched her final attack on Ghanso, she taunted him with a cruel grin on her face.

"You're pathetic, Ghanso," she sneered. "No wonder your family was so easily defeated."

Ghanso gritted his teeth in anger, but he refused to let her get to him. "You'll pay for what you've done," he growled.

Meredith laughed again, her eyes glittering with amusement. "Oh, I don't think so," she said. "You're nothing but a weakling."

With a sudden burst of speed, Meredith lunged at Ghanso, her red dagger poised to strike. But just as she was about to deliver the final blow, a figure appeared out of nowhere and blocked her attack with a transparent shield.

"Who are you?" Meredith asked with surprise and annoyance.

"No one." slightly fat figure said and threw something at Agda's feet, enveloping her in black smoke.

With a sense of urgency, Biagio turned to Ghanso and exclaimed, "Quickly, Ghanso, run!" Biagio quickly grabbed Ghanso's arm and pulled him towards the exit, trying to get him out of the chamber and away from Meredith's reach.

Ghanso hesitated for a moment, his eyes fixed on Meredith's sneering face. He wanted nothing more than to stay and fight, to avenge his family and end Meredith's reign of terror once and for all. But Biagio was right. He couldn't defeat her alone.

Reluctantly, Ghanso nodded and turned to run, but Biagio grabbed his arm. "Wait, Ghanso," he said, his voice urgent. "My magic won't last forever. You need to go now, before it's too late."

Ghanso looked back at Meredith, who was now surrounded by the black smoke. He knew that Biagio was right. He couldn't risk staying any longer.

With a final nod, Ghanso broke into a run, his heart pounding with fear and adrenaline. As he ran down the hallway, he could hear the sound of Biagio's magic fading behind him. "Wait, what happened to others?"

Biagio's expression turned grim as he spoke. "They're all dead," he said, his voice heavy with sadness.