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Saga of The Night God

Chapter 68 Assassins
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Ghanso's face fell, and he looked at Biagio with a mix of shock and disbelief. "How could they all have died?" he asked, his voice filled with sadness and confusion.

"Let's first get out of here. It's dangerous to stay here. Many things are happening. I don't even know who is whose enemy." Biagio exclaimed, his eyes darting around anxiously.

"What about Meredith?" Ghanso asked with anger.

Biagio shook his head. "Forget about her for now," he said firmly. "We need to focus on getting out of here alive. Meredith is trapped in the black smoke, but she won't be for long. We need to move, Ghanso."

Ghanso nodded, his mind still reeling from the news of his comrades' deaths. He forced himself to focus on the task at hand and followed Biagio as they ran through the maze-like hallways of the castle.

He didn't know where he was going, but he knew that he had to keep moving. Meredith was still out there, and he couldn't rest until he had avenged his family.

As he ran, Ghanso's mind raced with thoughts of his son and wife, and the life that they had once shared. He felt a pang of grief and guilt, knowing that he had failed to protect them. But he also felt a glimmer of hope, knowing that he was one step closer to taking down Meredith and avenging their deaths.

With renewed determination, Ghanso pushed himself harder, his legs pumping furiously as he sprinted down the hallway. He didn't know what the future held, but he knew that he had to keep fighting, no matter the cost.

[Some time before in the empty hallway]

As Biagio hurriedly made his way to assist Ghanso, his thoughts were focused on the upcoming battle. He knew he had to be careful with his magic and use it sparingly. Being a mage, he was aware of the consequences of overusing his powers, and he couldn't afford to be weakened during the fight.

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He also knew that he had to protect Ghanso at all costs. Ghanso was his friend and a comrade, and Biagio would do anything to ensure his safety. He hoped that their plan would work and that they could take down Meredith without any casualties.

'what's this pungent smell?' Biagio's pace quickened as he neared the hallway, and he couldn't help but notice a putrid odor in the air. Wrinkling his nose in disgust, he knew something was not right.

As he stepped forward, he heard a squelching sound beneath his feet. Biagio quickly glanced down and realized with horror that he had stepped on something wet and sticky. "Blood," he muttered to himself, his heart sinking with dread.

As Biagio gazed upon the source of the blood, his eyes widened in shock. Before him lay a group of lifeless bodies, their eyes fixed on the ceiling in a blank stare. But what truly broke his heart was that he recognized each and every one of them as his friends and comrades.

Biagio felt a lump form in his throat as he looked at the bloody bodies of his friends. The sight was almost too much for him to bear. He recognized each one of them, and the realization that they were gone hit him like a ton of bricks.

His heart raced with fear as he realized that Meredith must have already made her way past them. The thought of her being so close sent shivers down his spine, and he knew he had to find her before it was too late. Gritting his teeth, Biagio took a deep breath and tried to compose himself. He knew that he had to keep a level head and stay focused on the task at hand. He scanned the area, searching for any clues that could lead him to Meredith.

As a pained groan echoed through the hallway, Biagio's senses heightened, and he rushed toward the source of the sound. His heart racing with fear and anticipation, he saw a figure lying among the lifeless bodies. As he drew closer, he recognized the dead body as Morries, one of his closest allies.

A mixture of relief and sorrow washed over Biagio as he knelt down beside Morries, his eyes scanning the wounded man's body for any signs of life. "Morries," he said softly, his voice trembling with emotion. "Can you hear me?"

Morries let out another groan, his face twisted in pain. Biagio's heart sank as he saw the extent of the man's injuries. He knew that Morries was in bad shape and needed medical attention as soon as possible.

"Just wait, let me take you to safety," Biagio said, attempting to lift Morries up. But Morries stopped him and said weakly, "It's too late for me. You need to find Ghanso and get out of here."

Biagio's eyes filled with anger and grief as he looked at Morries' bloody wound and lifeless eyes. "I'm going to make Meredith pay for this," he growled.

Morries struggled to speak, his breathing shallow and labored. He managed to let out a pained groan before grabbing Biagio's arm with a weak grip. Biagio leaned in close, straining to hear his friend's faint whispers.

"It...wasn't...Meredith," Morries managed to choke out, his voice barely audible. Biagio's eyes widened in surprise at Morries's words. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice laced with confusion.

Morries coughed up blood, his breathing becoming more labored. "It wasn't... Meredith," he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper. "It ....was .....someone else... Someone ...more... dangerous."

Biagio's mind raced with thoughts as he tried to process the information. If it wasn't Meredith, then who could it be? And why were they attacking their own allies?


He leaned in closer, trying to catch any further words from his friend.

But Morries had already used up all his strength. He let out a faint sigh and his grip on Biagio's arm went limp. Biagio looked down at his fallen friend with sadness and regret. If only they had known the truth earlier, perhaps they could have avoided this tragedy.

Biagio closed Morries's eyes with a heavy heart, offering a silent prayer for his fallen friend. He knew that there was no time to grieve now. He had to find Ghanso and warn him of the danger that lay ahead.

As he rose to his feet, Biagio noticed a faint trail of blood leading down the hallway. His heart racing with anticipation, he followed the trail, hoping it would lead him to Ghanso.

As Biagio followed the trail of blood, his heart sank as he saw the cloaked soldiers wiping their bloody weapons clean. His expression turned to one of fury and determination as he realized that these soldiers were responsible for the carnage in the hallway. He knew that he had to act fast and get out of there before they spotted him.

Fear gripped Biagio as he realized that he could be the next victim. He swallowed hard, trying to calm his nerves as he edged his way towards the exit. Every step felt like an eternity, and he could feel the soldier's eyes on him, watching his every move.

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'I can't take them on alone. I need to get out of here fast.' Biagio thought, his heart racing with fear and adrenaline. He knew that he couldn't win this fight on his own, and that his only chance was to retreat and regroup with Ghanso.

With his heart racing, Biagio finally made it to the exit and slipped out into the cool night air. He took a deep breath, filling his lungs with fresh oxygen, and tried to clear his mind. He knew that he had to find Ghanso and warn him of the danger they were facing.


The jungle was dense, and the foliage made it difficult to see beyond a few feet. The air was thick with the sound of buzzing insects and the calls of animals. The three travelers moved through the jungle cautiously, their eyes scanning the underbrush for any signs of danger.

The black-haired man was clad in leather armor, the material creaking softly with each step he took. His hand rested on the hilt of his sword, ready to draw it at a moment's notice. The younger woman, in her twenties, held a bow at the ready, an arrow already nocked and aimed forward. The older woman walked beside her, her hands empty, but her eyes scanning the surrounding area with a practiced eye.

As they walked, the younger woman suddenly stopped and raised her hand, signaling for the others to halt. She pointed ahead, and the other two followed her gaze, seeing movement in the bushes up ahead.

The man drew his sword, ready to defend the group if necessary, while the older woman stepped forward, using her years of experience to assess the situation. After a few tense moments, she spoke softly, her voice barely audible over the sounds of the jungle.

"It's just a small animal," younger women said, gesturing for the others to relax. "No need to worry, brother." Her black haired sway in air.

The older woman held out her hand, and a small knife appeared in a flash of sparkling blue light. She spoke a few words in a language unknown to the other two, and the knife began to glow with a faint aura of magic.

Without hesitation, the woman flung the knife towards the bushes, and a burst of light exploded from the point of impact, accompanied by a loud magical hum. The bushes rustled, and a high-pitched squeak echoed through the air.

"Wow, Aunty Orixia, that was incredible!" Erin exclaimed, gazing at her in awe.

Orixia beamed at the young boy, feeling a sense of pride in her abilities. As she looked down at her chest, she couldn't help but marvel at how much easier it was to move around now that she was wearing the bra.