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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 271  The Ravagers
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Chapter 271  The Ravagers

Archer's gaze narrowed, his expression hardening as he observed the scene.

The blood-soaked monsters tore into the remains of their victims with a ferocity that bordered on madness.

Their eyes glinted with a predatory hunger, and guttural sounds of satisfaction emanated from their throats as they devoured the flesh.

The others in the group, frozen in shock and disbelief, exchanged horrified glances. Teuila's hand clutched her mouth, her eyes wide with a mixture of terror and disbelief.

Sera's usually confident demeanor wavered as she saw all the mutilated bodies all over the place.

Archer's fists tightened, his face showing anger and disgust. He quickly thought about what to do.

The humanoid beasts were savage and primal, their appearances a haunting blend of human and beast.

Their muscular bodies bore the traces of both worlds, with sinewy limbs that moved with predatory grace.

A line between human and animal appeared blurred as if nature itself had woven them together.

Their faces were twisted masks of wildness, featuring feral eyes that glinted with an untamed hunger.

Fangs protruded from their mouths, curving over their lips like the weapons of a natural predator.

Tufts of coarse fur sprouted from their skin, interspersed with patches of rough, scaled hide that hinted at their dual nature.

Long, gnarled claws extended from their fingers, resembling both the tools of a skilled hunter and the fierce weapons of a beast defending its territory.

Their movements were fluid and unpredictable, a seamless fusion of human cunning and animal instincts.

Clothed in tattered remnants of clothing, these creatures seemed to have abandoned the trappings of civilization in favor of embracing their primal nature.

Frozen in a mixture of terror and revulsion, Archer watched as these abominations feasted upon the remains of the victims.

The reality of the situation sank in – they were in the presence of creatures that were twisted mockeries of life, a horrifying blend of human and beast that defied nature itself.

Ella's voice trembled as she spoke, breaking the shocked silence that had settled over the group. "What... What are they?"

He scanned one of the beasts that remained oblivious to their presence, engrossed in their gruesome feast.

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[Rank B]

Novius stepped forward and began to explain, "Those are Ravagers. It's rare to see them in the open like this. They typically make their homes deep underground, within extensive cave systems."

Archer directed his attention to the bald mage, curiosity in his eyes. "What exactly are Ravagers, and why have they surfaced?"

Novius cleared his throat, his tone cautious yet tinged with concern. "Archer, these creatures aren't meant to be on the surface. They're native to the subterranean realms, usually confined to their tunnels and caverns."

Archer's brow furrowed, his apprehension growing. "So, why are they above ground?"

Novius looked uneasy, his concern clear. "The troubling thing is, attacks all over Luxuria are increasing. These creatures used to stay underground, but now they're coming to the surface, and they're becoming more aggressive."

He pressed further. "But what's prompting them to leave their underground habitats?"

The mage let out a sigh, his uncertainty mirrored in his gaze. "We don't have an answer. It could be due to scarcity of food, territorial conflicts, or even some darker force at play. Whatever the cause, it's triggering a change in their behavior."

As the two spoke the girls step backward, and the beasts started to notice them. Ella pulled out her bow as Teuila stood in front of her.

Sera summoned her claws and was ready to fight but before anyone could do anything Archer shot forward.

He cast Cosmic Sword and summoned his Dragonslayer. Archer swung it in a wide arc, the blade glinting in the dim light of the swamp.

The massive blade cleaved through the air, its sheer size and weight making it a lethal force against the creatures.

With each swing, it struck true, cutting down multiple fiends in a single blow. The grotesque things fell to the ground, they were convulsing before succumbing to the deadly strike.

Beside him, Ella and Talila swiftly notched arrows and drew their bows. Their movements were synchronized, each shot finding its mark with unerring precision.

Arrows whizzed through the air, finding gaps in the fiends' defenses and striking them down one by one.

Between Archer's sword and the girl's arrows, they quickly dealt with the beasts. He quickly put them down but soon heard more noises.

That's when he noticed a swarm of Ravagers emerge from the shadows of the swamp, they charged at the group like a nightmarish tide.

His eyes narrowed as he took in the overwhelming numbers. The situation had escalated beyond his expectations.

He dismissed his sword and took a deep breath, his chest expanded, his lungs filling with air. As the Ravagers closed in, their evil intentions evident, his lips curled into a grin.

With an earth-shaking roar, he unleashed his breath. A torrent of flames erupted from his mouth, a torrential force of fiery energy that engulfed the oncoming fiends.

The violet fire spread really fast, washing over the fiends with unrelenting intensity. Their grotesque forms writhed and twisted in the heat, their agonized shrieks filling the air.

His violet flames consumed them, reducing their twisted bodies to charred remnants. The spectacle was both awe-inspiring and terrifying, a display of power that seemed almost supernatural.

He held his ground, his stance unwavering as the flames raged on. As the flames subsided, the once-advancing horde of Ravagers wasburning.

Their forms were now nothing more than smoldering ash. Archer looked at his handiwork and nodded his head with a smile.

He turned to the group, who were shaking their heads at his antics. Teuila stepped forward and gave him a swift hit on the head.

Archer looked at the blue-haired girl as she spoke. "Why do you rush ahead? What have I told you?"

That's when he realized his mistake and shrugged with a smile before responding, "Yes, you're right. I'm sorry, I just got carried away."

The group approached and looked around but didn't spot anything unusual. They continued on with their journey.

Hours passed, and they walked along the road. They spotted a caravan surrounded by guards.

The two groups passed each other. Archer and the girls chatted about the strange beasts they had encountered, comparing them to the ones that had attacked the Solari and Lunaris Empires.

They were attacked by unexpected creatures but swiftly defeated them but that didn't slow down their journey.

After a few more hours of travel, they reached the jungle, their final challenge before reaching Dawnstone.

As they stopped walking, Talila approached the group and spoke. "This is the Thornfire Jungle. It's not that big, but it's dangerous and full of aggressive beasts that ambush travelers."

Archer nodded and opened up a portal, instructing everyone to enter the domain so he could fly over it.

Done with fighting, he couldn't be bothered anymore and just wanted to leave the swamp and jungle behind.

They all complied, except for Sera, who also wanted to fly. Archer smiled and summoned his wings alongside hers.

The two of them took off and started flying over the jungle, As they soared over the dense canopy of the jungle, a breathtaking panorama unfolded beneath them.

Beneath them, dinosaur-like creatures resembling ancient predators roamed in organized packs.

Their sharp, serrated teeth glistened as they moved with a purpose, hunting amidst the thick foliage.

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Archer and Sera exchanged amazed glances, their eyes wide at the sight of these colossal beasts that roamed the forest.

The jungle was alive with movement. Creepy insect-like creatures scuttled across the ground, their long legs moving in eerie coordination.

Some had luminous markings on their exoskeletons, casting an otherworldly glow in the shadows.

Flying above, Archer and Sera spotted the intricate patterns and details of these strange insects.

The jungle's symphony of sounds reached their ears even from above. Strange calls and cries echoed through the air, a cacophony of life both beautiful and wild.

Streams twisted through the lush scenery, mirroring the speckled sunlight that sifted through thick leaves.

Archer and Sera continued their elegant flight, enjoying the lively and wild world below them.

Now and then, the overhead canopy opened, unveiling concealed clearings adorned with bright, exotic flowers.

A waterfall tumbled down a cliff draped in moss, its spray forming rainbows in the sun's glow.

As they were flying Archer decided to check his status, he hasn't checked it for a while as he pulled it up.


[Experience: 13200/20000] [Level Up: 332>342] [Sp: 44>64] [Mana: 40000>42000]

[Dragon's Breath: 5>6] [Solar Flare Barrage: 2>3] [Frost Nova: 2>3]

[Azur Cannon: 0>1]

[Mana Manipulation: 2>4] [Void Rift: 1>2]

He felt content that he was still leveling up, even though not as quickly as before. He aimed to accumulate more points before upgrading his status.

As they traversed an open clearing in the jungle, a tree suddenly hurtled towards them.

Swiftly, they evaded it and focused on the culprit: a colossal, gorilla-like creature that watched them intently.

The two dragon's ignored the beast and continued flying until they passed over the jungle, they descended to the ground when they spotted a road.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]
