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My Evil Genius Wife

Chapter 481
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Chapter 481: Meeting IX

“Ahh! Leave my hand. You Bastard, who do you think you are to touch me? If you don’t leave me, I will sue you. I will not let you live in peace.” Jiang Ru shrieked like a mad woman as she tried to free herself from the grasp of Gu De.

However, Gu De was not bothered by her empty threats at all. He was standing there as expressionless as always while twisting Jiang Ru’s hand behind her back and was making it difficult for her to move freely or even come an inch closer to his laptop.

Everyone in the room, including Jiang Yahui was also startled to see the lunatic behavior of his daughter who was going out of control now.

Jiang Ru was going crazy and kicking her legs in the air to free herself from the grip of Gu De, she stopped moving when something flashed on the large screen and another video automatically started to play which was in the queue.

Her face turned pale to see the other video playing, which caused her legs to go numb and she slid down the grip of Gu De and fell on her knees on the ground.

In the video, Jiang Ru was sitting together with her mother in her office at the Jiang Corporation. The video looked normal, where the mother and daughter were having tea together and enjoying their time.

However, the topic that they were discussing caught everyone’s attention. All the shareholders gasped in horror at the brutal revelation of the truth.


They turned to glance at Jiang Ru in shock, only to find her crumbling on the floor and staring at the screen in a stupor.

“Mom, why are you stressing so much about me? This company is going to be mine. Jiang Yue is already out of my way, if not me, then who would lead this company?” Jiang Ru smirked proudly and remarked while taking a sip of her tea.

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Xiong Hua, Jiang Ru’s mother looked at her daughter worriedly and asked, ” Ru Ru, I don’t feel well these days. Your Grandfather has started to work at the company again. What if your Grandfather finds out about what you did to Jiang Yue?”

Even though Jiang Yue is out of the way, she was worried that bad luck might come to them knocking on their doors. Because Jiang Yue is no less than bad luck in their lives.

Jiang Ru shook her head and sighed tiredly, “Mom, why are you worrying about anything? You know me, right? There is no way he will find anything against me. I have taken care of everything. Don’t worry.” She assured her mother.

“I am telling you, no one will ever find out that it was me who planned the accident of Jiang Yue. Ah, wait...should I call it a planned murder? Haha! So thrilling.” Jiang Ru chortled as she was getting excited just at the thought that Jiang Ru is no more in this world.

The biggest obstacle of her life is no more.

“To the world, Jiang Yue died in an accident, but only I know that it wasn’t an accident.” Jiang Ru said proudly while swirling the tea in her teacup and taking another sip from it.

“I feel bad for that girl who was blamed by the media for killing Jiang Yue and planning her accident. She didn’t even kill Jiang Yue, yet she was accused by the media and fans of killing her. At least it helped me to take away everyone’s attention from the main case and no one tried to look into this matter deeply.”

“Oh, this tea smells good. Which brand is that?” Jiang Ru asked while appreciating the flavor and the taste of the tea which her mother brought to the office.

The uncomfortable silence engulfed the meeting room once again when the video was cut at the right moment.

Everyone was holding onto their breaths as this revelation was too much for them to digest. They all were in favor of Jiang Ru and were even planning to go against Mr. Chairman if he didn’t make her the new CEO of the company.

After watching the video, they were going through mixed emotions. They were glad that they didn’t do anything stupid for a girl who killed her cousin for the sake of wealth and power.

However, they were feeling more terrified and nauseating at the thought that after killing Jiang Yue, Jiang Ru was crying miserably at her funeral and was posing to the cameras with her face covered in tears and was gaining sympathy from everyone.

“Does that mean....Ms. Jiang Ru was the one who killed her sister?” One of the shareholders asked in disbelief. Even after the video ended, he still couldn’t believe his eyes.

Before coming to the meeting, he didn’t know that it was going to be turned into a suspenseful drama. Who would have thought that the accident of Jiang Yue was a planned murder in reality?

“Is that even a question? Can’t you tell even after watching the video? Argh! I am getting goosebumps. I can’t believe that a murderer was leading the important projects of our company.” Another shareholder shook his head in disbelief as he was hoping for everything to be a nightmare instead.

Because if this news was released to the media, the stocks of the company will face a hit and it will become a disadvantage to them only.

Seeing Jiang Ru kneeling on the ground, Jiang Yahui also had a mental breakdown. How...How did his father find out about this video? Where did this video come from?

He pursed his lips and knew that the future of Jiang Ru was over. There is no way that she will recover from this shock anytime soon.

At this moment, the only option left to him was to save himself. Jiang Ru is the one who is charged with the murder case, however, he is innocent.

He cannot follow her to jail for something he didn’t even do. It’s all up to Jiang Ru and he was innocent.

He gritted his teeth and went to Jiang Ru and before anyone could figure out what he was planning to do, he slapped her hard on her cheeks and her body fell back on the floor with a great impact.

Everyone gasped when he slapped her so hard that her body fell on the ground and her head hit the floor. The corner of Jiang Ru’s lips started to bleed and the crimson handprint was noticeable on her face.

However, it wasn’t the end. He pulled her by her collar and slapped her on the cheeks again. ” Are you even my daughter? How can you kill someone and not show an ounce of remorse in your eyes?”

” Jiang Ru, I thought you were my daughter but you’re just a monster. A monster who destroyed her happy family with her own hands.” He cried while shaking her body back and forth.

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Grandfather Jiang shakes his head in tiredness to see his son acting in front of everyone. Rather than learning business, he should have gone into acting.

He would have performed well there. Because he failed to become a good father and a reliant businessman.

Does he think he will get away from everything if he stands against Jiang Ru and blames her for everything?

Jiang Ru who finally regained her senses after getting slapped two times by her father, couldn’t believe that her father was saying all these things to her.

He was aware of everything and even praised her for removing an obstacle their way to success. How dare he pretend to be guiltless in front of everyone and blame her for everything?

” I should have killed you the day you bullied Jiang Yue in school. How can you kill a person? Jiang Ru, you’re not a human but a monster. A monster.” He was about to slap her again when Jiang Ru grasped his wrist and blocked him from slapping her.

Jiang Yahui was surprised when Jiang Ru blocked her slap. He pursed his lips as he was feeling bad to hit her, however, it is the only way for him to save himself.

Both of them cannot go to jail. One needed to stay out and make arrangements to get the other out of the jail. He was hoping that Jiang Ru would understand his intentions and would play along with his act.

However, rather than playing along, Jiang Ru’s eyes turned red in disbelief and betrayal, meanwhile, her eyes were brimming with tears.

She scoffed at her father in mocking and said, ” If I am the monster, what are you then?” She screamed at him.

She yanked away her father’s hand and looked coldly into his eyes. Her eyes were red from crying so much and filled with hatred and blood. ” I killed my cousin whom I hated all my life, what did you do then?

“You killed your brother with whom you shared the same blood. Your brother loved you so much and was even ready to cover your mistakes. Yet you betrayed him. What do you call yourself then?” She hollered at him, causing Jiang Yahui’s mind to go blank for a moment.

‘How did she know about it?’