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One Wild Night

Chapter 431: Not Amusement
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Chapter 431: Not Amusement

Immediately Amy walked out of the restaurant, she saw a cab dropping off a lady in front of the restaurant and she got into it immediately.         


She wanted to be as far away as possible from Lucas because she feared that if she didn't leave she would go back in there and throw the glasses at him.      

If she had been pissed when she walked out of the restaurant earlier, then she was enraged now as she gave more thought to his thoughtless words.      

Of all idiotic things to say! How could he accuse her of being with Miley for financial benefits? How dare he? Who did he think he was to say that to her? What did he know about her friendship with Miley or how far they had come? What did he know about her loyalty to her best friend? Did he think he loved or cared about Miley more than she did? Amy thought as angry tears dropped from her eyes and she swiped at them angrily.     

Halfway through the cab ride, Amy had managed to calm herself a bit, but that quickly changed when she opened her handbag only to discover that her purse wasn't in the handbag.      

She tried to think about the last time she had seen it and she remembered dropping it on the table. If it was on the table, that was fine. She could easily go in and get the purse to the driver, she thought, until it suddenly occurred to her that she had not seen her key while searching for her purse.      

She poured out all the content of her bag in search of the key, but it wasn't in her bag. Her brows pulled together when it occurred to her that Miley had been the one who locked the door on their way out earlier, and so she was with the key.     

Amy groaned in protest when she picked up her phone to give Miley a call, but then remembered that her battery was dead.     

"Can we go back please?" She asked as she glanced at the driver, and he met her gaze through the rearview mirror.     

"To the restaurant?" The driver asked, and she nodded.      

Without asking any questions, he made a U-turn and took her back to the restaurant. Once she got there, she asked the driver to wait for her while she hurried inside to find Miley. Unfortunately, she was informed that Miley had just left.     

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Assuming that she had missed Miley who was already heading home, she immediately returned to the cab and asked the driver to take her home.      

By the time the cab finally pulled to a stop in front of her apartment, there was no trace of her car or Miley.      

She politely enquired from the driver if he would be kind enough to help her power her phone so she could give her friend a call, but he had no charger in his car, and she wasn't friendly with her neighbors enough to make such a request.     

"Is there a problem?" The driver asked, and she shamefacedly explained her predicament to the driver who looked at her, not sure whether or not to buy her story.      

Never in her life had she felt so embarrassed as she did at that moment. This was all Lucas' fault. She wouldn't be facing such an embarrassment had he not been so careless and insensitive.     

"I promise you, I'm not trying to deceive you or scam you. If you will be kind enough to come back here tomorrow, I promise to pay you twice the amount I owe you," Amy rushed to assure him when she saw the displeasure on his face.     

"How do I know you live here?" The driver asked, seeing as she was claiming she had forgotten her key with her friend.      

"My name is Amy. Amy Grant," Amy said before hurrying to her mailbox to pick up one of the envelopes with her name on it which she handed to the driver.      

The driver looked at the envelope skeptically, "If you're trying to deceive me I will report you to the police when I come here tomorrow and don't find you," he told her, before driving off angrily.     

Once he left, Amy sighed. Seeing how Miley had left the restaurant and was not at home yet, she doubted that Miley was returning home anytime soon. Miley had probably gone to hang out somewhere else with Lucas.      

She was certain that Miley had forgotten that she was with the apartment key, and had no idea either that she wasn't with her wallet or else she would have returned already.     

She wished she could get mad at Miley for choosing to stay back with Lucas rather than go home with her, but she couldn't.      

Miley didn't have much time left and she deserved to spend it doing something she liked with whoever she liked, whether or not she liked the person.      

Miley liked Lucas and wanted him, and despite her annoyance at Lucas for saying something as insensitive as what he had said, she believed he was good for Miley, as she could tell that what he had said had come from a place of concern...      

'No, Amy! No! You are not going to make any excuses for him or defend him!' Amy muttered under her breath.          


Although it was getting dark already, but not wanting to just stand there and wait around until Miley returned from her date, she decided to walk down the road to a friend's house close by where she had left a spare key for days like this.      

As she walked down the road, the heel of her sandals broke, making her swear angrily. Talk about having a bad day. As if the day could not get any worse, she thought in annoyance as she took off her sandals and picked them up with her left hand before continuing on her way barefooted.      

This was all because of Lucas Perry. She was going through all this because of him. If he had just chosen to get drunk in a different bar that night, Miley would not have met him or taken him to her place.      

If he had not shown up in Miley's life they would not have had to make this impromptu trip to Ludus just to see him. All the time she would have spent resting from that stupid trip had been spent dolling up to meet him. She had been cranky all day, and Lucas had succeeded in ruining what was left of her day by saying the nonsense he had said.      

If he had not annoyed her she wouldn't have been in this situation right now. Walking down the road barefooted like a homeless beggar when she should be comfortably relaxed on her sofa eating and watching television.      

"Lucas? Sounds more like Look Ass to me," Amy hissed to herself angrily, not caring about the fact that she would look like a crazy person to anyone who saw her talking to herself.      

"What an ass! Dr. Hottie my ass! What ever nonsense made me think he was cute or calm? I must have been out of my mind!" She said with a humorless chuckle.     

"Senseless idiot! Little wonder he ended up with a stupid bitch like Rachel!" Amy hissed to herself angrily as she continued to walk towards a side alley.      

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"Water is too good for him. I should have poured the spicy sauce on him instead," Amy muttered angrily, and just as she got to the entrance of the alley, she abruptly stopped when she realized that she wasn't alone. Someone was following her.      

She noticed that a male shadow was walking closely beside hers. Too closely. Was she about to be mugged? Was this going to be one of those cases where a lone female was mugged and killed in a dark alley? No way! There was no way she was going to let something like that happen to her.      

She tightened her grip on her handbag as she swirled around immediately and used her handbag to hit him right in the face before she could make out his face.     

"Ahhhh!" Lucas cried out as he raised a hand to protect his face from the assault.     

"What made you think you can rob me?" Amy asked angrily, and without waiting for him to recover, she hit his head with the heel of her sandals and attacked him.      

"Christ, Amy! It's Lucas!" Lucas cried out as he tried to hold her off. How did he ever think she looked innocent?      

His protest fell on deaf ears as she threw aside her handbag and sandals, and attacked him with her teeth and fingers this time. Biting and pinching him.     

Amy was still too blinded and deafened by her anger at Lucas and her fear of being mugged to make sense of anything he was saying.      

Right now she needed a place to pour all her anger and frustration, and this thief was just good enough.     

When he couldn't take it anymore, Lucas grabbed her hair and he tried to push her away gently, "Can you just stop?" Lucas snapped at her angrily.      

His head ached where she had hit him with her sandals, his face was burning and hurting from the scratches her nails and handbag had inflicted on him, not to mention his arm which was hurting, where she was presently biting him.      

"You've got to be kidding me, you thief!" Amy hissed as she dug her nails into the hand on her hair, but Lucas grabbed her arm with his other hand and shook her.      

"Have you lost your mind?" Lucas yelled at her, and Amy blinked in surprise when she finally recognized his voice and peered into his face to see if it was really Lucas.     

"Lucas?" She asked as she let go of him and looked him over. Sure enough, it was the same outfit that Lucas had been wearing earlier at the restaurant.      

He glared at her, "No. It's Look Ass!" He said, annoyed. Who would have thought she was such a hellcat?     

To his surprise and annoyance, she raised a hand to her lips to stifle what sounded like a giggle but she didn't succeed. That was the last reaction he had been expecting. Embarrassment? Yeah. More anger? Yeah. But definitely not amusement. He didn't find anything amusing in what had just happened.