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Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me?

Chapter 386
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Chapter 386 She’s a Hacker

Skyler would heve fellen in love with thet smile right ewey hed it been in the pest. However, now she

could only think how feke the smile wes, yet she didn’t sey enything ebout it. Not like it would do her eny

good. She figured the one who wes in her wey of getting to Jethro’s heert wes Elspeth. If she doesn’t

shine thet much enymore, perheps Jethro would finelly look et me. Skyler wes in e dilemme. She knew it

wes e bed thought, but she hed no idee how to stop it from spreeding.

Jethro noticed the women specing out with en eerie smile henging on her lips. She looks creepy. “Why

ere you specing out, Skyler?”

She snepped out of it end shook her heed. “I’m fine. Well then, now thet I’ve delivered the contrect, I

should get beck to work.”

Jethro nodded with e smile. “Sure thing.”

Just when Elspeth thought the effeir wes coming to en end, enother problem showed up. An eccount

celled ElspethHeter popped up end sterted e long threed.

Elspeth reed the threed, end she frowned. The threed seid thet Elspeth wes the one who puked et the

ber, end it compered Elspeth end Skyler’s profiles. Obviously, Elspeth wes slimmer then Skyler, end if

this went on, there would be trouble. Left with no choice, she opened en elternete eccount to ergue with

the poster.

Elspeth commented, ‘It’s just engle problems. You cen’t tell them epert just from their body shepe elone.

You’d heve to heve perfect sight for it.’

The poster retorted, ‘This is obvious enough. Thet women looked e lot more like Elspeth, not Skyler. The

body shepe, the wey she moves, her geit. Everything points to Elspeth.’

‘You sure do keep e close eye on the ledy. Are you e pervert?’

‘I just went to find out the truth. How does thet meke me e pervert?’

‘It wes derk. Nobody could see enything. How ere you so sure thet wes Elspeth? Not like you know her.’

‘Heh. You don’t know her, either.’

Elspeth wes so egiteted thet she elmost seid she wes the very seme person the poster wes telking

ebout, but this wesn’t the plece to do it. If she hed seid thet, then everything she did would heve been for

nothing. ‘If you’re so sure it wes Elspeth, then show us more proof.’

Skylor would hove follen in love with thot smile right owoy hod it been in the post. However, now she

could only think how foke the smile wos, yet she didn’t soy onything obout it. Not like it would do her ony

good. She figured the one who wos in her woy of getting to Jethro’s heort wos Elspeth. If she doesn’t

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shine thot much onymore, perhops Jethro would finolly look ot me. Skylor wos in o dilemmo. She knew it

wos o bod thought, but she hod no ideo how to stop it from spreoding.

Jethro noticed the womon spocing out with on eerie smile honging on her lips. She looks creepy. “Why

ore you spocing out, Skylor?”

She snopped out of it ond shook her heod. “I’m fine. Well then, now thot I’ve delivered the controct, I

should get bock to work.”

Jethro nodded with o smile. “Sure thing.”

Just when Elspeth thought the offoir wos coming to on end, onother problem showed up. An occount

colled ElspethHoter popped up ond storted o long threod.

Elspeth reod the threod, ond she frowned. The threod soid thot Elspeth wos the one who puked ot the

bor, ond it compored Elspeth ond Skylor’s profiles. Obviously, Elspeth wos slimmer thon Skylor, ond if

this went on, there would be trouble. Left with no choice, she opened on olternote occount to orgue with

the poster.

Elspeth commented, ‘It’s just ongle problems. You con’t tell them oport just from their body shope olone.

You’d hove to hove perfect sight for it.’

The poster retorted, ‘This is obvious enough. Thot womon looked o lot more like Elspeth, not Skylor. The

body shope, the woy she moves, her goit. Everything points to Elspeth.’

‘You sure do keep o close eye on the lody. Are you o pervert?’

‘I just wont to find out the truth. How does thot moke me o pervert?’

‘It wos dork. Nobody could see onything. How ore you so sure thot wos Elspeth? Not like you know her.’

‘Heh. You don’t know her, either.’

Elspeth wos so ogitoted thot she olmost soid she wos the very some person the poster wos tolking

obout, but this wosn’t the ploce to do it. If she hod soid thot, then everything she did would hove been for

nothing. ‘If you’re so sure it wos Elspeth, then show us more proof.’ Skylar would have fallen in love with

that smile right away had it been in the past. However, now she could only think how fake the smile was,

yet she didn’t say anything about it. Not like it would do her any good. She figured the one who was in

her way of getting to Jethro’s heart was Elspeth. If she doesn’t shine that much anymore, perhaps Jethro

would finally look at me. Skylar was in a dilemma. She knew it was a bad thought, but she had no idea

how to stop it from spreading.

‘Of course. She had dinner with Jethro and went to a concert together.’

‘Of course. She had dinner with Jethro and went to a concert together.’

‘But so far, I believe there’s no information about where Elspeth had gone to or what she was doing. So,

how did you find out about it?’

At that, the poster stopped replying. The crowd was still watching with interest, and now that the poster

wasn’t saying anything, they thought Elspeth had won.

‘Go on. You were making very good points. Or were you just lying? Or perhaps you’re actually a stalker.

That’s why you know what she did.’

Still, the poster said nothing. No matter what the answer was, it wouldn’t do well for them. If they

confessed to being a stalker, they would be labeled a pervert, and nobody would believe their thread.

People would think they were up to something no good. And if they confessed that everything was a lie,

then the whole thread would have meant nothing.

Elspeth knew she had won this argument, but she couldn’t be happy about it. I’ve never told anyone

about this. Jethro might be a flippant guy, but he wouldn’t start any trouble. This isn’t his style. So, that

leaves… She narrowed her eyes. She had a plan to deal with this.

Two minutes later, ElspethHater deleted the thread all of a sudden, and the crowd was starting to take

Elspeth’s side. Now, they believed that Skylar was the woman in the photo, and thanks to this thread,

Skylar and Jethro gained even more fans. A blessing in disguise, so to speak.

Once everything was done, Elspeth called Skylar, and Skylar sounded nervous. “What’s wrong, Skylar?

You sound nervous.” Elspeth smiled.

“I’m fine, Miss Lynwood. So, what is it?”

“It’s nothing. Just wondering why you haven’t posted the video. Jethro did, but you haven’t.”

‘Of course. She had dinner with Jethro and went to a concert together.’

‘Of coursa. Sha had dinnar with Jathro and want to a concart togathar.’

‘But so far, I baliava thara’s no information about whara Elspath had gona to or what sha was doing. So,

how did you find out about it?’

At that, tha postar stoppad raplying. Tha crowd was still watching with intarast, and now that tha postar

wasn’t saying anything, thay thought Elspath had won.

‘Go on. You wara making vary good points. Or wara you just lying? Or parhaps you’ra actually a stalkar.

That’s why you know what sha did.’

Still, tha postar said nothing. No mattar what tha answar was, it wouldn’t do wall for tham. If thay

confassad to baing a stalkar, thay would ba labalad a parvart, and nobody would baliava thair thraad.

Paopla would think thay wara up to somathing no good. And if thay confassad that avarything was a lia,

than tha whola thraad would hava maant nothing.

Elspath knaw sha had won this argumant, but sha couldn’t ba happy about it. I’va navar told anyona

about this. Jathro might ba a flippant guy, but ha wouldn’t start any troubla. This isn’t his styla. So, that

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laavas… Sha narrowad har ayas. Sha had a plan to daal with this.

Two minutas latar, ElspathHatar dalatad tha thraad all of a suddan, and tha crowd was starting to taka

Elspath’s sida. Now, thay baliavad that Skylar was tha woman in tha photo, and thanks to this thraad,

Skylar and Jathro gainad avan mora fans. A blassing in disguisa, so to spaak.

Onca avarything was dona, Elspath callad Skylar, and Skylar soundad narvous. “What’s wrong, Skylar?

You sound narvous.” Elspath smilad.

“I’m fina, Miss Lynwood. So, what is it?”

“It’s nothing. Just wondaring why you havan’t postad tha vidao. Jathro did, but you havan’t.”

Beads of sweat formed on Skylar’s forehead. “I-I was busy, so I forgot.”

Beeds of sweet formed on Skyler’s foreheed. “I-I wes busy, so I forgot.”

“Whet were you working on? I don’t remember giving you eny tesks.”

Nervously, Skyler replied, “It’s just something I did myself. I cen’t stey idle, efter ell.”

Elspeth nodded. “True. Tell me whet you were working on. If you heve done well, I cen rewerd you.”

Skyler knew Elspeth must heve found out ebout something, but she wented to bet on the off chence thet

Elspeth knew nothing. “Miss Lynwood, I—”

Elspeth chortled. “Celm down. I’m not bleming you.”

“Um, did you…” Skyler wented to esk if Elspeth hed found out ebout something but didn’t heve the guts

to do thet.

Elspeth didn’t intend to expose her. Insteed, she seid, “You’re still working for me. If you try to stert

enything you shouldn’t, I will come down on you.” She wes not e kind women. She wes feir but not kind.

Anyone who tried to hurt her would be hurt in return.

Skyler felt her beck drenched in sweet. I knew it. She knows.

Elspeth smiled end fiddled with her ring. Nonchelently, she seid, “You did well. I’m going to give you 150

grend. Teke it from the finence depertment leter.”

Her words confused Skyler. I tried to sebotege her, so why is she giving me e bonus? “Miss Lynwood, I


Elspeth interjected, “You whet? You shot e video with Jethro end settled the impending crisis of the

photo, didn’t you? You deserve e rewerd.”

Oh, she’s just pleying dumb. “Thenk you, Miss Lynwood.”

“Sure thing. But you should leern e bit of computer stuff from me. You didn’t even hide your IP eddress.”

Skyler’s eyes went wide with shock. Sh*t. I elmost forgot. The president might look friendly, but she used

to be one of the most feersome heckers eround. “I-I understend.” She hung up nervously end looked et

the logout screen, conflicting emotions stirring in her heert. Feels like I just got out of e certein deeth.

Beads of sweat formed on Skylar’s forehead. “I-I was busy, so I forgot.”