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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 100: His teeth
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Returning to the dressing room, Albert immediately took up his wand and used a drying spell on himself to dry the rainwater on his body.

"Put the protective gear and Quidditch costume taken off in the basket." Charlie pointed to the big basket in the corner and reminded him, "By the way, I will go to the school hospital to find Madam Pomfrey and get some cold prevention potion. Drink, don't catch a cold in the rain."

"Actually, you want to see those hapless Slytherins, and disgust them by the way!" Erin suddenly guessed Charlie's sinister intentions.

"Jack also needs to be checked by Madam Pomfrey, he just fell hard enough." Danny reminded with a light cough.

"It's not all you killed yet." Jack complained loudly.

"How did you do it, your clothes... are getting dry?" Wood was surprised when he noticed that Albert was about to put on a winter cloak.

"Of course it was the drying spell," Albert noticed the puzzled gazes of several people, and asked, "You... don't know?"

The few people looked at each other, and no one really knew the drying spell.

Albert suddenly didn't know what to say.

"There is a record of drying spells in "Practical Family Magic"." Albert looked at the suddenly quiet locker room and said the book that Professor Flitwick had suggested he read. Of course, he hadn't read this book himself.

"You know how to read this kind of book?" Irene looked at Albert in surprise.

"Isn't magic just to save trouble?" Albert rubbed his nose and said, "I feel like I'm about to catch a cold."

"Ah...sneez!" Mario sneezed and complained: "Go back to the castle, I want to take a hot bath first."

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"Thank you." Irene said with a smile.

After Albert used the drying spell to dry the clothes for others, he returned to the castle together.

Everyone came to the corridor of the school hospital on the second floor of the castle and found that a large group of people had gathered here. They were all spectators who went to the Quidditch match in the rain. Most of them were soaked in the rain. Now they come to Madam Pomfrey. Order a cold potion.

The arrival of the Gryffindor team attracted the attention of a large group of people, and the crowd gave them a way.

Charlie greeted acquaintances with a smile, and led the team into the school hospital.

Mrs. Pomfrey was distributing potions, Charlie greeted her, put Jack on the hospital bed pretendingly, and smiled unkindly toward the Slytherin pursuing hand montage in the next hospital bed, Ai Bert understood their lips: We won!

"Mrs. Pomfrey, we also need some potions, lest everyone catch a cold after getting wet in the rain." Irene said to the head nurse who came by

"On the table, one person, one small cup, go get it yourself." Madam Pomfrey came to check Jack's injury, still complaining that their game was too messy and deserved to be injured.

She healed Jack's injury in less than a minute.

While they were drinking the cold preventive medicine, the members of the Slytherin team also came, and the atmosphere in the ward suddenly became very tense.

"Okay, don't squeeze here." Madam Pomfrey drove Charlie and his party out of the ward. Albert saw the replacement goalkeeper Wiki, whose teeth had been knocked out, and tried to intercept him without stopping the broomstick. , The two hapless guys who bumped into the auditorium, they were being supported by other players, and they seemed to have been seriously injured.

"By the way, the guy who threw the bat at you was confined by Professor McGonagall." Before leaving the ward, Mark suddenly turned his head and slapped his mouth at someone's back. "The bat he threw at you It hit someone. He and another hapless guy who tried to stop you didn't have time to stop. They rushed into the Slytherin auditorium and hurt several..."

Mark's voice was loud enough for everyone in the school hospital to hear, and the student who was receiving the potion next to him couldn't help laughing.

The Slytherin team collectively turned around and glared. If it hadn't been in the school hospital, they might have scuffled.

"What's the matter with the teeth in your mouth? Why are they missing? It doesn't matter?" Danny's gaze fell on the substitute goalkeeper Wikki, and asked with a smile.

"Ahem, hurry up." Charlie pushed everyone quickly and led them out of the school hospital.

"I really hope that Madam Pomfrey won't fill his teeth and let him keep leaking." Fred couldn't help laughing. "By the way, who did it, it's so cool."

"It seems to be knocked off by Albert." Jack said. He wanted to stop Albert at the time. As a result... Jack laughed to himself before he finished speaking.

"Don't look at me, he hit my elbow and knocked it off," Albert looked innocent. "I was staring at the Snitch, no time to beat him. That guy didn't know why. I just have to hit my elbow, there is still a little pain there."

"Perhaps, he has a strange disease that makes him uncomfortable without being slapped in the face. I hope that Madam Pomfrey can cure him." George's look of compassion and compassion amused everyone.

"Go, go back and celebrate this victory."

"Let's go to the kitchen to get something to eat." George and Fred are going to try their luck in the kitchen.

"No, Professor McGonagall is ready for you!" Li Qiaodan emerged from the corner without warning, patted Albert on the shoulder and said: "I have seen it all, you put Slytherin The goalkeeper's teeth knocked out."

"He knocked it off himself." Albert corrected.

"None of you noticed how ugly Professor Snape's face was when you caught the Snitch, like someone smeared his face..." Li Qiaodan's voice stopped abruptly because He saw Albert put his fingers up and motioned him not to speak, and quickly looked up and saw that Snape was not nearby. He couldn't help but hammer Albert's shoulder with his fist.

The others couldn't help laughing.

Of course, the only unhappy person in the corridor is probably Filch. The manager stood at the door of the school hospital with a mop and bucket, and looked over here with a malicious look. Filch maintained order and waited for the students to disperse by the way, so as to clear the mud footprints in the corridor.

As soon as the crowd returned to the common room, loud cheers broke out. People shouted his name when they saw Albert, and even a few hands could not wait to pull him in.

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There were some cakes, pies, candies and a large pot of pumpkin juice on the table in the common room. Many people gathered around Albert and asked him to talk about the thrilling scene before catching the Snitch. Some people talked about him. The last thing that knocked off the Slytherin goalkeeper's teeth.

However, Albert insisted that it was Slytherin's backup goalkeeper who hit his elbow and knocked out his teeth.

He is a good person, how could he do such a thing.

After finally getting rid of everyone's entanglement, Albert took a small plate with cakes and sat on the armchair in the corner.

"Yes, I didn't expect your Quidditch to fly well." Field next to him with one hand on his chin, molested: "If you are older, I can't help but chase you."

Albert is a bit embarrassed immediately. Are foreign girls so tough?

Of course, he also knew that Field was just teasing himself~www.mtl.com~ so he whispered back: "Actually, I don't like girls older than me!"

"Older?" Field couldn't help but roll his eyes at Albert, and turned away from the subject: "How is your summoning skill?"

"It's okay, I'm trying to summon other things now." Albert thought about his progress in learning summoning, and nodded with satisfaction, "After a while, I can successfully summon an umbrella."

"What do you call the umbrella for?" Field asked puzzled.

"Of course it's because you don't need to bring an umbrella when it rains in the future." Albert said solemnly, "Britain is a rainy country. Sometimes when I go out without an umbrella, I get covered in rain when I come back."

Field: "..." It sounds like it makes sense.


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