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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 116
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Chapter 116 You’re Just…

right now, but the only thing I can tell you is that I didn’t disfigure her face.”

Selina nodded. “I believe you. The Amanda I know isn’t such a person.”

Amanda replied, “Thank you.” At a time like this when she was coming under attack by

the public,

it was really touching to have someone who trusted her unconditionally. She turned

around and left the villa, intending to make a trip straight to the hospital.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Grace’s wound was still in the healing stage. Thanks to the

ugly scar, she loathed looking in the mirror every single day.

The doctor instructed her, “Remember, don’t let the wound come into contact with water-

Grace couldn’t stand it anymore, though. “Just when can I get this scar fixed? How much

longer do I have to go around with a face like this?!” She began to regret having wounded

her own face so badly back then.

“Uh…” The doctor hesitated to reply. “It’ll take at least two months for the wound on your

face to heal. It’s rather deep, after all.”

Two months! Unwilling to give up, Grace asked again, “Just tell me the truth-to what extent

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can this scar get fixed in the end?” Of course, she hoped that her face would be restored

back to its beauty, but…

In a professional attitude, the doctor replied truthfully, “To be honest, I can’t say it for

sure. It also depends on the individual’s healing ability and the effects of treatment. But

what I can tell you is that there’s no way your face can be restored back to its original

state. At best, it’ll heal to about 60 to 70 percent and that’s the best-case scenario.”

“What… only 60 to 70 percent?” Grace stared at the doctor in disbelief with shock written

all over her face. Just 60 to 70 percent? “What a lousy hospital this is! I’m going to seek

treatment abroad! I’m going to another hospital…” She turned around and left the

doctor’s consultation room in tears. She didn’t want this to happen; she still wanted to be

Elias’ beautiful bride. At this very moment, she was overwhelmed with regret. Why would I

make such a stupid decision that night? Why would I disfigure my own face…

Tearfully, she returned to her ward, only to find Amanda there.

As soon as she heard Grace’s footsteps, Amanda turned around and saw Grace as

expected. However, she was really startled to see Grace’s face at this very moment. She

had to admit that this girl was really ruthless.

“Amanda! What are you doing here?” Grace was angered to see Amanda at this moment. I

wouldn’t have become like this had it not been for her!

Looking at the deep scar on Grace’s face, Amanda said, “I really never thought you’d be

so cruel to yourself just to frame me. How could you do this to yourself? Do you really not

want your face anymore?”

Grace retorted, “You’re the one who caused my face to end up like this! How dare you

come in front of me and mock me right now?! What gave you the cheek to do that, you

wicked woman?!”

Amanda replied, “You know full well in your heart whether I’m the one who caused that

scar on your face. I’m here to tell you that I won’t take the fall for you for no reason. I’ll

find evidence to prove my innocence!” With that, she turned around and left the ward.

Grace sobbed behind her, “You b*tch! Had it not been for you, my face wouldn’t have

ended up like this! How could you be so wicked?! I’ll make you pay for it! Amanda Bailey, I

hate you forever!” Raising her voice on purpose, she drew the attention of many doctors,

nurses, and patients. She wanted everyone to see this so that they would capture this on

their phones and upload this to the internet.

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Amanda saw those people pointing fingers at her as she walked down the hallway. Having

noticed Grace’s intentions, she put on her sunglasses and quickened her pace toward the

elevator. She had to admit that Grace was truly an actor whose acting was really perfect.

Upon entering the elevator, she heaved a sigh of relief, but how was she supposed to find

evidence to prove her innocence? It was obvious in that night’s security footage that

Grace’s face was bloodied after she had left. Normally, people wouldn’t suspect that Grace

had disfigured her own face, so they would take it for granted that it must be her doing.

What should I do about this?

The elevator door slowly opened with a ding!

Amanda stepped out of the elevator and was about to go to the parking lot. But suddenly,

a group of Grace’s fans swarmed around her and threw things like eggs and rotten

vegetables at her. One of them yelled, “How could a wicked woman like you exist on

earth? You actually disfigured Grace’s face! You’re just jealous that she’s prettier than


“Come on, everyone, check out what this shrew looks like!”

“We have to seek justice for Grace Murphy!”

All at once, Amanda was nearly smothered by the clamor and the rain of rotten eggs and

vegetables. Not expecting to be faced with these things one day, she was at a complete

loss for what to do.