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The Millionaire And His Billionaire Ex-Wife

Chapter 266
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Chapter 266

“Boss, wake up!” Eric swiftly collected himself and rushed to assess Eder’s condition. His gaze darted

across the man, finding no signs of injury or bullet wounds. That could only mean one thing. Had the

virus flared up?

Eric’s hand trembled as he felt for a pulse on Eder’s neck. It was steady, though faint. A sigh of relief

escaped him as he thought, Thank heavens, he was still alive, just unconscious.’

Supporting Eder’s arm, he hoisted him onto his back, swiftly outlining their next steps.

“Fred and Cole, you’re with me. We need to retreat immediately. Everyone else, provide cover. We

must evacuate the area within ten minutes and return to S City within forty-eight hours.”


Once the arrangements were in place, Eric, with Eder’s unconscious form on his back, took off, racing

through the dense foliage.

Fred and Cole were right on their heels, on high alert, ready to tackle any potential threat.

After a swift withdrawal from the border, they boarded a helicopter set to fly them straight back to 5


As the helicopter soared thousands of feet above the ground, Eder remained unresponsive. His

complexion was alarmingly pale, and his body chilled to the touch.

Eric felt for his pulse once more, which had grown disturbingly weak. His breathing was shallow.

“Faster! We need to go faster!” His command came out as a roar, his eyes reddening, his voice

choked. “Mr. Storm, you can’t die! Hang in there. We’ll be at the lab soon. Doctor B is waiting. You’ll be


Fred and Cole, both younger and less experienced, were struggling to hold back their tears. Both knelt

beside Eder, crying as they clung to his hands, trying to warm his icy skin.

Three hours later, they touched down at the laboratory, cloaked in the dead of night.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Administered with a potent suppressant injection by Dr. B, Eder’s complexion gradually improved. His

thick eyelashes fluttered as he regained consciousness, though his surroundings remained a blur.

As his vision cleared, he took in the faces around him.

Eric’s eyes were bloodshot, evidence of shed tears.

Mark was examining his virus test results, his features stricken, looking like he was on the brink of


Summoning the energy to sit up and lean against the bed’s backrest, Eder broke the silence, “What’s


Neither man responded immediately. The room instead filled with a melancholy silence.

“I am well aware of the stage of my condition. You don’t need to keep anything from me. No matter how

grim the results, I can take it.”

“I’m sorry, Eder. I’ve failed you. I haven’t been able to find a way to combat the virus inside you.” Mark

held back his tears, his voice trembling.

“The suppressants have been used too frequently. Your body is developing resistance. We started with

administering it every seven days, then five, and now it’s every three days or even when symptoms

occur. Once your body completely adjusts to the suppressants, we won’t be able to control the virus

anymore,” he said. Shakily, he extended the test report.

“Moreover, the virus has spread. The recent fainting spells and your reported decrease in physical

strength are signs that your body is degenerating.”

Eder’s frown deepened, and he asked in a hushed voice, “How severe is the degeneration?”

“In the worst-case scenario, you might experience total paralysis. And… these are just the current

complications. I don’t know what other issues may arise as the suppressants continue to lose their


Mark’s eyes were full of grief. To put it bluntly… the prognosis is grim.”

His words hung heavy in the silence that filled the room.

In the middle of the somber atmosphere, Eder laughed softly. “Then give me an estimate. How long do

I have?”

With a heavy sigh, Mark raised a hand to indicate a number. “No more than five months. This is

assuming your body is well rested…”

Eric wiped his tears with his arm, his clenched fist shaking and veins bulging. He kept his head down

and remained silent as tears continued to stream down his face.

“All right, I understand.” Eder was silent for a while, finally nodding as if he had accepted the doctor’s

grim diagnosis.

“Mark, leave us for a hit. I need to discuss something with Eric.”

Choking back his tears, Mark nodded, and left, shutting the door behind him.

Eder then turned to look at Eric, who stood not too far away, stiff and silent, and couldn’t help

chuckling. “Don’t be so morose, boy. I’m not dead yet. Come here.“

Wiping his tears with his sleeve, Eric walked awkwardly to Eder’s bedside. “I wasn’t crying! You’re just

a taskmaster who uses me for everything. Seeing you like this… It’s kind of satisfying.”

Eder laughed at his words. “Good. It’s reassuring to know that you’re so heartless.”

Eric turned away, refusing to acknowledge him.

“Since Nick was ousted, the role of the Secret Investigations Department’s Chief remains unoccupied. I

plan to write you a recommendation letter in the next few days. Fred and Cole will be under your

direction. Given your capabilities, you should comfortably settle into the position within a month,” Eder

declared, his tone determined yet slightly weary.

Dumbfounded, Eric gazed at him, his eyes swimming with an amalgam of emotions. The most evident

of which was a raw, pained disbelief. “Boss, are you trying to send me away?”

“You possess the necessary skill and competence. When I’m no longer around, it’s the best

arrangement for everyone,” Eder said, trying to sound as matter-of-fact as he could.

“No!” Eric retorted defiantly, shaking his head with unyielding resolve. “Unless you kill me, I’m not

leaving. I bet Fred and Cole wouldn’t want to either.”

Eder considered his words, his mind shuffling through potential outcomes. “Adam has been. promoted

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

to the Deputy Director of the National Security Bureau. His approach is merciless. He’s fixated on

neutralizing potential threats. If he catches wind of my health situation, he’ll undoubtedly try to seize my

position. And knowing him, he won’t spare any of you.”

“I’m aware! If he wants to kill me, so be it. But I’m not going anywhere!” Eric’s voice was resolute, his

eyes glinting with unwavering determination.

“This is an order!” Eder’s tone was firm, his black eyes filled with gravity.

Before Eder could utter another word, Eric’s knees hit the floor with a heavy thud.

“Mr. Storm, are you angry with me?” he started, his voice shaky. “I was just kidding earlier. When I

learned about your health, it was as if the ground beneath me gave away. You’re not just my boss.

You’re my brother, my only family!”

Eric moved forward, inching closer to Eder’s bedside, his grip tightening on the edge of the bed. His

eyes were full of desperation and a silent plea, his demeanor akin to a child on the verge of


“You gave me a second shot at life, and you’re the only one I recognize as my family! You can’t cast me

aside! Apart from this, I promise not to disobey any of your orders. Mr. Storm, please, don’t dismiss

me…” His voice was choked, his eyes brimming with unshed tears.

Eder, pallid and fatigued, locked eyes with Eric. They held years of shared history, of camaraderie and

brotherhood. He was moved by Eric’s unexpected vulnerability, a sharp contrast to their usual jovial


Mustering all his energy, he gently tapped Eric’s head. “You obstinate fool! Your stubbornness outstrips

mine! You’ve effectively silenced me. But I won’t budge either.”

He hastily stood up, poured a glass of warm water, and handed it to Eric. “If you’re insistent on staying,

then stay. There’s no more room for debate on this.”

A flicker of frustration flashed in Eric’s eyes, but he quickly shifted gears. “Boss, you should also

consider how you’ll break this news to Miss Salen. When she believed you had died six months ago,

she was crushed. And now…”