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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 365 - To Bash Your Head!
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When eunuch Qin and his entourage leave the Yuan manor, Qian Qin Wei stomp her feet furiously "Look what you're good son has done, he will ruin Yuan family!!" she points her finger at Yuan Shao, Qian Qin Wei doesn't care what would happen with Yuan Shao but she feared it would implicate her and her daughter.

As the Emperor's daughter, she understands her father's character very much, even though her father has a certain degree of care to her but The emperor is a ruler first before a father and husband. At the end of the day, he cares more about himself and his country rather then his family, What yuan Shao did is a direct challenge of the Emperor's authority, she can't imagine how angry the Emperor would be. ​​

"That's why you need to announce that you cut me off from the Yuan family, you can even erase my name from the Yuan family genealogy, with this none of the Yuan family implicated by my action" Yuan Shao calmly said without a shred of worry in his face.

Qian Qin Wei expression lit up immediately, she realizes if they throw Yuan Shao out from there family and wash there hand clean from his existence, his father Emperor will forgive her

"Good, that's good, let's do that!" she rejoiced he can save herself and get rid Yuan Shao at the same time, this is not so bad after all "Husband, you need to make an announcement, hurry! Before the news he angers the emperor spread!" she tugs Yuan Fei sleeve eagerly.

"SHUT UP!" he pushes Qian Qin Wei harshly until she falls on the floor with a loud thump.

Yuan Shan stunned than she runs to her mother anxiously "Mother, are you okay?"

"Old Yuan, how could you….." Qian Qin Wei gasped in fear, after so many years they become husband and wife, Yuan Fei never lay his hand on her, worst come to worst he berated her and locked her inside her courtyard for a month but that's only it, he never hurt her, but today for the first time he pushes her away to the floor.

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"Father, you hurt mother" Yuan Shan feel wronged for her mother, it was Yuan Shao who make a messed but why her father lash out his anger to her Mother, this is not fair!

Yuan Fei glared at the mother-daughter on the floor viciously "Leave, before I hurt you again" he hissed in a cold voice.

Yuan Shan and Qian Qin Wei face become pale, Yuan Fei is a quiet man they never saw him this angry before the last time Qian Qin Wei saw him angry is when Han Xue Shi died, she suddenly remembers how Yuan Fei holds his lifeless wife body for two days, jealousy rose within her.

Yuan Shao looks down at Qian Qi Wei's delicate face with mockery, he promised his mother one day he would rip Qian Qin Wei heart right from her chest with his own bare hand and he will never die until that day comes. Yuan Shao's cold gaze sends a shiver to Qian Qin Wei's heart.

Not long after the maids help Qian Qin Wei and Yuan Shan leave the room immediately, inside the room only Yuan Shao and Yuan Fei remain, the father-son looks at each other in silence.

Yuan Fei stare at his only Son with pain in his eyes "Why are you doing this?"

Yuan Shao didn't answer immediately but then he looks at his father with a calm expression "I have someone else in my heart and I don't want to live my life like you" he feel bitter when he looks at his Father. Yuan Shao respects him as a soldier and superior but as a man and a son, he only feel disappointed for him.

Yuan Fei expression becomes somber when he hear Yuan Shao words but he has no words to rebuked, If only he strong enough or smart enough he would refuse the Emperor decree too, he will not lose his beloved wife he will not be estranged with his Son and Daughter, all these years he lives with regret, remorse and hated, no one ever knows he only touch Qian Qin Wei accidentally one time when he was drunk, he could never touch Qian Qin Wei without feeling nauseous especially after his wife died.

Ever since then he can barely stand in the same room with her, he maintain courteous distance between them just because he doesn't want to infuriate the Emperor. Is a fortunate for Qian Qin Wei she able to conceived Yuan Shan only after spending one night with Yuan Fei.

Yuan Fei drowns deeper with his guilt he can't face his own children from his previous wife especially Yuan Xue An who is spitting image of his late wife, and with Yuan Shan….is hard for him not to shift his hatred for Qian Qin Wei to her.

Yuan Fei suddenly feel worn out it feel he aged for decades, he slumps to his chair and he takes a deep breath "What about your sister Xue An?" he feel melancholy whenever he called his daughter's names it feel like someone nudged his heart.

"She safe, I send her somewhere that no one can't touch her," he said calmly.

Yuan Fei sigh in relief but then he shifts his gaze back to his Son again "The emperor might not kill you for this because of you're reputation but this show you're rebellion against him and the emperor will not take this lightly"

"I know" Yuan Shao take a sit on the opposite chair in front of his father "That's why I will give up everything, my family, tittle reputation, everything," he said without slight hesitation only determination.

"The emperor can kill you openly but nonetheless he would still kill you, he will send all his assassin to hunt you down" he warns his son again.

"I'm not afraid and I'm not weak either don't worry I'm not become a General because of my good looks" he faintly smiles.

Yuan Fei startled this is the first time he see his son smile to him, he never smiles to him after his mother dies. Yuan Fei feel conflicted, he's happy they can finally talk like normal father and son but he sad because this might be the last time he talks to his Son like this.

"Take care of yourself, promised me," said Yuan Fei.

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"I promised" he nods his head solemnly.

The night finally falls and the sky cover with rich velvet blanket of black and the millions of stars spread like a diamond in the sky, the night is quiet he should be scared right now but instead he feel at peace, Yuan Shao sits on the bench in front of his room his hand twist the square bronze identification as a general of Liu Yan kingdom. Yuan Shao throws the identification on the table beside him, he feel a heavyweight lifted from his chest.

At that time he chooses to become General because he wishes the power to control the military, he wants to make a name for himself because it would make harder for the Emperor to get rid of him or someday, he had realized from a long time ago the Emperor has become warry with the Yuan family from a long time ago, that's why the Emperor sends Qian Qin Wei to his father, her job is to put a leash on his family.

the only person he worries about is his sister and after he assured his sister safety he becomes more relaxed. When he chose to left his title tomorrow that would be the last time he would kneel in front of that Emperor.

He let out a long heaved and he smiles in relief but suddenly he hears rustle behind the bushes, he was stunned someone dared to breach General Manor and most of all his courtyard, is this the Emperor assassin? Yuan Shao pulls out his sword from the table, he can feel the strong cultivation from his enemy.

Something jump from the bushes in high speed, he blocked his attacker with his sword and the sound of two metal echoed in the air, he swings his sword to push his attacker but he surprised when he saw the familiar red robes.

"Stupid General, what do you think you doing?" she shouted in anger.

Yuan Shao froze instantly "Ming Yue…Yin?" he gasped "What are you doing here?"

"To bash you're head!" she shouted even louder.
