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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 538 - Lao Min Na Scheemed
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The long discussion with Jiang Yu ran and Zhuang Mu Zi finally ends, they cannot stay for too long because they came in secret without the Zhuang family notice. The evening came as Bei Li Yan, Jin Hao, and the mong brother having another discussion with Zhao Li Xin and Lory in the same room. 

Lory already changes her clothes to something more comfortable and take off her veils, while listening to their discussion while leisurely sipping her tea.


"So Lao Min went to Hui gong continent to meet attend Sanguan Family Banquet" Bei Li Yan rubs his chin "If I'm not wrong, is the birthday celebration for Sanguan Yi Han, the first young master of the Sanguan family, hmm…I also heard rumors that in the celebration Sanguan Wu Chie would choose a woman as his Son wife so every distinguish family would bring their daughter in the celebration to strike the jackpot" Bei Li Yan bemused with Sanguan family shenanigan, do they want to show off how great their family is to make every powerful family send their daughter to their door.

"Is Lao Min Na wanted to be the next candidate? What about Zhao Yi Chen, what about Jin Kai?" Lory stunned how brazen Lao Min Na could be, even in her world who is more lose and liberal still can't accept women who already have fiancé courting other men. No one likes a disloyal woman after all.

"By the way, how is Zhao Yi Chen's condition anyway?" Lory suddenly remember a young man with charming smiles and handsome looks, she thought he will be a good match for Lao Min Na since Zhao Yi Chen seems sincere towards Lao Min Na, Lory doesn't know what went wrong? Is Lazarus coaxed her to gain something more or is it Lao Min Na herself?

"He is fine, he used the same trick like milord here, pretend to be a pig to eat the tiger" Bei Li Yan guffawed.

"He only has Zhao Qin Feng and concubines Ying left as stumble block to his path to the throne" Jin Hao lazily said while fanning himself.

"I think he waits for the right time to annul his engagement and marry official daughter, I don't know what is he waiting for" Bei Li Yan shrugged.

"Maybe…he still can't forget her" Lory make half-smiles, she sincerely pitty Zhao Yi Chen.

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"You think so?" Zhao Li Xin was doubtful for him Lao Min Na is not worth it to spend any thought even for a second.

Lory understands what is Zhao Li Xin thinking "You can't stop loving someone just because that person stops loving you, that's not how love works don't you think?" Lory smiles.

Zhao Li Xin beautiful face scrunched up, his princess is not wrong, if there any situation when Lory stops loving him, Zhao Li Xin is certain he would still love Lory no matter what, in the end, he understands how Zhao Yi Chen felt right now, for the first time he learned to understand other people pained.

"Oh yes, what other people said about the bright light happened yesterday, I heard from Xi Ying it becomes the talk of the town" Lory bit her lower lips.

Bei Li Yan chuckles he gesticulated carelessly "The Zhuang family thought they were under attack with powerful cultivator, at first they thought it was us but then Zhuang Mu Zi said is not us but someone else, without concrete proof they can't accused us and they will not provoke us further, meanwhile the rumor that spread among the citizens said it was a sign of bad omen from the God because the way Zhuang family behaved" he make exaggerated gesture with his hands.

"And who is the perpetrator of this rumor is?" Lory narrows her eyes toward Bei Li Yan.

"Who knows?" Bei Li Yan winks her eyes without admitting anything.

"Should we left this place right now, something bothers me about Madam Zhuang said" Jin Hao snap his fan "Lao Min Na is sure that we would be in trouble if we delayed our departure, it's already three days and we don't know what that woman would do" His jaw tightens as he brood about Lao Min Na devious plan.

"True…" Bei Li Yan bites his nail with annoyance looks "I can't stop this feeling that vixen knows more than me, it really messed with my self-confidence, we already cut her cash-flow and Jin Hao pressed the immortal tower, her subordinates are went hiding but why she still so….lively, she is worst than a cockroach!" Bei Li Yan scratches his head while grumbling exasperatedly.

Lory sip her tea calmly, she contemplating should she told them about Lazarus but that means she would involve them in this dreadful fight, if she could she want to avoid them to coming face to face with Lazarus, is bad enough she involve Zhao Li Xin she doesn't want to add more casualty.

Zhao Li Xin didn't say anything either, it's all up to Lory to divulge her past to his subordinated he will not interfere with her decision. As long she doesn't leave him behind and fight the demon on her own if she dares to do that he would be seriously pissed.

Zhao Li Xin put down the winecup on the table "We leave now then!"

"...." Everyone is silent as they stare at Zhao Li Xin with shock.

"like….NOW?" Bei Li Yan widens his eyes.

"Yes" Zhao Li Xin reply calmly then he rose from his set, he stretches his hand at Lory "Change your clothes with something warmer, we leave now"

Lory took Zhao Li Xin's hand but she still shocked "Are you sure, why not tomorrow, it's almost night? Do we have the permit?"

"It's doesn't matter, I already strengthen the black ship defense and add more protective array around the ship, let's see what Lao Min Na throw on us" there's malice flickered in his cold dark eyes, he can't wait to meet with Lao Min Na and this time he will make sure he cut that woman head from her body.

Zhao Li Xin held Lory's hand and shift his glance to his subordinated "Li Yan you coordinated with your people to protect that Zhuang third master and Zhuang old lady, Jin Hao send your people to watch the Zhuang third master health, Mong Ki make sure everything is ready for our departure, Mong Yi tells Li Mo Zhen we will leave in a half-hour….and someone brings the port superintendent here, I have a word for him" his eyes glint dangerously.

"YES milord!" they shout at the same time and left the room swiftly. After his subordinated leave Zhao Li Xin pulls Lory closer, prepare yourself, Lao Min Na might attack us during our sail, I'am worry because you are in a weak state right now, I want to delay for a few more days but that might not wise either, I wonder whether she had taken these circumstances into accounts?" Zhao li Xin eyebrows furrows.

Lory widens her eyes "You mean, she hurt Zhuang Mu Zi to drain my power?" Lory was shocked.

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"We are not just talking about Lao Min Na here there also that Demon, how much Lazarus know about you?"

Lory agape "Everything…he know everything"

Zhao Li Xin take a deep breath as his face become somber "Then we should assume that Lao Min Na knows everything too"

Lory clenched Zhao Li Xin's hands as anxiety clearly shows on her face.

Zhao Li Xin smiles then patted her hands gently "Don't worry I protect you no matter what happens"

"Then whose gonna protect you!" Lory rebuked "If Lao Min Na drain my power then she prepares some trap that only my power could handle it, Li Xin I don't think we should leave, let's delay until my power return" 

"Then we will miss the auction, we will lose the map" Zhao Li Xin calmly said.

"You said you can hold the auction until you arrived, let's do that, just make something, burn something…" Lory clenched Zhao Li Xin's hands tightly.

"What if Lao Min Na snatch the map regardless they held auction or not, what if she knows how important the map is, Huo long know and so is Huwang Shen Zi, is it impossible for Lazarus to know about it too? if she gets her hand on the map she can use it as bargaining chips towards me, in the end, it will put you in the same dangerous situation" Zhao Li Xin put his hands on her shoulder as he stares at her deeply.

Lory feel the wall around him got closer, like a fish inside the net Lory realizes Lao Min Na is trapping them, and this time she succeeds. They can't leave but they can't stay either, her legs turn limp but Zhao Li Xin quickly held her waist. Lory does not fear for her life but she fears for other people's lives, in that ship there are Mong brothers, Bei Li Yan, Jin Hao, Yang Xi Ying Li Mo Zhen, Hei Shen people and most of all Zhao Li Xin!

She can't protect them with her condition, she can't even protect herself, Girsha can't do anything either since his power also drained like her, dammed if you do, damn if you not!

"We need to tell them, I can't let them board the ship without knowing anything" Lory refused to put everyone in danger not if she can prevent it.

"You sure, what would you tell them?" Zhao Li Xin's heart ached for her, if only Lory could be a little selfish she would not be in so much dilemma.

Lory looks down for a second then she looks Zhao Li Xin with a firm expression "Everything….if I should, they are my friend…"