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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 790
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After they had checked in, Austin closed his door and sat in meditation for about an hour. That's when Brent and Lu started to move.

They were in the middle of nowhere, but suddenly outside it was as noisy as the bustling city market. It was peculiar and abnormal, so Austin ended his practice.

Austin released his spiritual sense before he went outside and inspected the situation in person.

After a short while, Austin gave a contemptuous smile.

"Oh, | was wondering who can cause such a sensation. The Sky Sect is searching frantically for me. Now the whole city has been startled by them.

A wise man knows when to retreat. I'd better avoid a head-on collision with them," murmured Austin to himself. Like he said, a true man knew when to keep a low profile and when to hold his head high.

Then, he summoned the miniature City model, put it on the ground, and sent himself inside the City through mind power.

After Austin was gone, the miniature City model shrank to the size of a sand grain. A soft wind brushed the room and raised a lot of dust. The sand grain with the flying dust, landed at a corner.

Shortly afterwards, a group of soldiers broke into the room. But the room was absolutely empty. The soldiers, each carrying a long spear in their hands, were utterly dissatisfied. In their frustration, they smashed everything they could see and poked numerous big holes in the quilts and bedding.

Brent and Lu's search cto nothing. This tthey both lost face in front of the public. But they couldn't let the citizens of the Daylight City treat them like laughing stocks.

They had done everything they could. Yet, they hadn't found Austin. Now they had no choice but to return to their base crestfallen.

In the large reception room, the two of them were sitting on two old-fashioned wooden armchairs placed at the sides. They were filled with fury and exhaustion.

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Again Brent and Lu released their spiritual sense and swept over the entire Daylight City.

After spending a major part of the day running behind Austin, the energy consuming chore of operating spiritual sense drained them off their strength. So, they decided to take a breather. Besides, they both had returned to their own place and taken sspecial elixir to reduce fatigue and nurture their spiritual sense.

Both of them were, of course, on guard against each other. But they did feel a mutual resentment towards Austin.

The two arrogant men believed that any provocation to their base was a humiliation to the so-called greatness and honor of the Sky Sect. But now Austin, who was still wet behind the ears, dared to cand go of his own will. Wasn't that a slap on their faces? They were restless as they were fearful of becoming the laughing stock of the entire PrMartial World.

Brent wore a glum and sullen look.

Austin had messed it all up. Basically, he couldn't let go of the burning desire he had to enjoy the bodies of the sisters.

"It is all Austin's fault. He is to be blamed for spoiling my plans! It is all his doing! That bloody bastard!" Brent gnashed his teeth in anger. He was simmering with rage.

"Steward Brent, if you ask me, | think that Austin has fled after he rescued the sluts. He is not in the Daylight City anymore. He has already left.

| am thinking that maybe we made a mistake. We shouldn't search inside the city. We have been fussing about it in here, and to be fair, the city is very unhappy about that. It is unfavorable to our relationship with the castellan.

In fact, | think if we had searched the neighboring regions, probably we would have got sinformation about his whereabouts and got your whores back," Lu patiently explained.

Brent heaved a deep sigh. Lu was eager to know what Brent thought about it.

"Lu, you are right in saying this. Austin must have felt intimidated when he entered our Sky Sect's domain. So, after he set free my girls, he must have fled in panic. That is what must have happened! Soldiers, listen carefully to my orders now! Send out more troops. No! Rally all the forces. | will personally lead them. Prepare because we will be heading for the woods outside the Daylight City!" Brent didn't want to wait any more after he heard Lu's sincere advice. One of the disciples passed on the order. He had to ensure that the rest of the force swung into action at this command.

But right after the first disciple rushed out of the hall, another disciple rushed inside.

He cried out in alarm, "I have to report this! It is an emergency! Steward Brent, the Meng family members of the Stone City vanished! All the clansmen are gone! And our disciples have also disappeared including the two groups who were responsible for escorting them! On the road which they were passing through, only ashes were found. We are afraid that those were ashes left after many bodies were burned," said the disciple breathlessly.

He had run to report this as fast as his legs could carry him.

"What the hell?" shouted Brent and Lu at the stime.

Brent kicked the table near him. The teacups placed there crashed and pieces of glass got scattered in all directions.

"Say it again! All the disciples are gone? All of them?" screamed Brent. The disciple was scared and couldn't utter a word anymore.

A few hours later, Brent and Lu were leading the rest of the disciples of the Sky Sect. They arrived at the spot where Austin had rescued Marwell.

There were only traces of ashes on both sides of the road.

Brent and Lu examined the residual ashes for a long time. They employed the little spiritual sense power they were left with to determine the composition.

They cto a horrible conclusion. This place was the scene of a massacre. A lot of people had died there stago. And the ashes on the road sides were indeed ashes of the dead. They were killed and then burned, right at that place.

The group went on the road with heavy hearts. Soon, they arrived at the place where Austin had rescued Marco and the others.

The scene was similar there too. All they could find were human ashes.

They inspected the scenes of crimes further. Eventually, they made final speculations based on what had been found. Brent and Lu looked at each other in agony. They were certain that Austin had killed all their disciples.

All the disciples of the Sky Sect who had been sent to escort the Meng family members was ruthlessly murdered.

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And all the members of the Meng family were rescued by someone wicked and merciless.

"It must be Austin! Austin killed them! He killed them all! Austin did this!" Brent and Lu were filled with rage but their hands turned cold like ice.

This was a huge disaster. Austin had been able to kill so many disciples of the Sky Sect in one day. If this news went out, the entire Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom would end up in chaos.

What Austin had done was more than just a plain provocation to the Sky Sect! This was a declaration of war! Brent and Lu's tiny heads and little intelligence couldn't figure out why a young man like Austin with such limited manpower and resources would dare to challenge a mighty force like the Sky Sect.

Under the command of Brent and Lu, united by the shared sense of shame, all the Sky Sect disciples based at the Daylight City, marched forward in every direction. They were on a hunt for this so-called unscrupulous and vicious enemy named Austin.

But, the troops ended up with nothing.

Night drew in. The land was enveloped by the veil of darkness. Brent and Lu with their troops returned to the base at the Daylight City looking crestfallen.

After a long emergency meeting that lasted the whole night, they finally decided that it was tto report this to the higher authorities. At daybreak, Brent mounted his horse and rushed back to the suprheadquarter. He would report this shameful news in person.

Brent had left to report the matter, while Lu continued the hunt for Austin and the other escaped criminals. He managed to muster more troops and they expanded the range of search. Now it covered a much wider range.

Twent by quickly. The land was enveloped in darkness of the night again.

It was not yet midnight.

Somewhere outside the front gate of the Daylight City, which was the base of the Sky Sect, a shadow of a man was cast against the wall.

The man had fine, delicate features. He was as silent as a ghost and as quick as a fox.

Of course, the man was Austin.

"Thank you for all the trouble you've taken, Sky Sect. A huge monster like you can't afford to be careless. But it seems that you have forgotten to lock the door before you go to bed. Now | will deliver your order to your door. Let's see what you can do about me," said Austin as he stood before the gate.

It was the Sky Sect that had laid themselves open to ridicule. They had messed up with the wrong guy. And Austin was not going to let them off lightly.

Austin ducked across the majestic gate of the Sky Sect and his silhouette vanished in the darkness. The ones inside were to witness things which they had never imagined!